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April 28th Meeting


Seth Wurzel got our meeting started today with a patriotic Pledge of Allegiance.




President Tony Delevati led today's meeting. Tony has been asking for members to send him ideas of what they are doing while sheltering in place. He shared a couple of photos Blair Voelz had sent him about his cabin near Sawtooth Peak in Sequoia National Park where he visited April 2nd with 8' of snow on the ground.  President Tony also shared this inspirational thought for the day.



Roy Holmes 'rang the bell' with a $100 donation to the Rotary Foundation today in honor of his late wife, Mary Jo. Karl Diekman, President-nominee Dan Stroski and several other members made a similar pledge in honor of Mary Jo. President-elect Tabb Randolph reminded us Rotarians can make a donation to the Rotary Foundation at MyRotary.org, or mail a check made out to Rotary Foundation and mail it to the Club's Foundation Chair Tom Schwarzgruber at 938 Jordan Circle Woodland CA 95695.If you have questions call Tom at 530 304-4895. 



Others seen & heard from today. Where are all our women members??? Good to see Mahlon Whittle join us from Hawaii!




President-elect Tabb Randolph introduced Bill Tobin, Rotary Relations Manager with ShelterBox USA. Bill is a Major Donor in Rotary, as well as a member & Past President of the El Dorado Hills CA Rotary Club. He gave us an extensive overview of ShelterBox USA, its history, mission, projects and extensive connection with Rotary. A few of the slides he shared are shown below.


April 21st Meeting



President Tony Delevati led our virtual meeting today with President-elect Tabb Randolph acting as ZoomGURU. Tony asked if anyone knew the author of his inspirational thought for the day. No one answered--- John F. Kennedy. He also reported on the key results from the Club Board of Directors meeting held April 20, 2020.  Tony also asked that members send him selfies and other pictures of what you are doing while sheltering in place. He also wants to know what you miss and what you will never take for granted again.


President Tony then announced the Club will hold its first virtual Social Meeting this Thursday, April 23, at 5:30pm via Zoom. (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81374851184)



 Nolan Sullivan, Service Centers Branch Director for the Yolo County Health & Human Services Agency was our guest speaker today, providing us with a presentation on how YCHHSA is responding to a dramatic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on local social services. Lori Ross introduced our speaker.



To close the meeting President Tony shared these thoughts by Cory Booker.




Volunteers Needed

to Make Face Masks


President Tony Delevati reports the

Woodland Healthcare Foundation

is seeking volunteers to make cloth face masks.

If interested in participating contact Kendra Martin at

530 867-2212.


See instructions on How to Make a Face Mask.




Rotary Clothing Drive





To view larger version of above flyer click here


For more information about Empower Yolo visit: empoweryolo.org 



Chuck's Corner 

Words of wisdom from our own 

Chuck Maltese


4/27/20 - This Rotary Club is meeting on ZOOM.  We have held 3 meetings so far.  I haven’t figured out how to display everyone at the same time.  I get 4 images on the side (one being me).  Afraid to “mess” with it during the meeting. 


I have learned a few things while on ZOOM: (1)  don’t scratch body parts (2) don’t adjust yourself by raising up—especially if you don’t have pants on and (3) selecting a background is very important—mine looks like I am on a tropic island. I saw one that had a bookshelf filled with books about dead presidents.  Another one seemed to range from a joke book to a title about the world being flat. One looked like they were in the bathroom.


Some random virus thoughts:

+  Be on the lookout for government check scams. It they use “stimulus” check or payment it might be a scammer.  The official term is “exonomic impact payment”

+  Could you put a different glass of wine in several of your rooms and then at 5:00pm go on a wine tasting tour?

+  Apparently, the year 2020 is being written by Stephen King

+  Costco / Walmart shelves looking like the Cleveland Browns' trophy case

+  Now that we have everyone washing their hands correctly--how about turn signals next

+  My wife has set up a DUI checkpoint between kitchen and hallway




4/20/20 - Well, I am back.  My first column was last week and 3 people read it.  Today, I am going for a record 10.


How things have changed.  I just received a notice from my credit union that I will not be allowed into the building unless I have mask on.  Ten feet apart at the grocery checkout line—how can I see what they are buying from that distance?


+  Nigeria must have hit hard.  I haven’t received an email from them about an inheritance or marriage proposal

+  Does anyone know if it safe to take a shower instead of washing your hands for 20 seconds

+  My neighbors are starting to be nice to me since they found out I can get into COSTCO an hour early

+  If the food runs out we still have each other

+  Tried a juice cleanse—who knew you were suppose to drink it

+  I’m giving up drinking for a month.  Sorry, bad punctuation.  I’m giving up.  Drinking for a month

+  Joyce and I had a lively debate last night after cocktails about whether wrestling was fake or not.  She won with a head lock

+  Joyce says that I don’t listen or something like that




4/15/20 - Welcome to an experiment.  I was asked to consider writing a short column occasionally for this website.

It hit me that there is story not being told across the country—everywhere that there is a local Rotary Club.  With meetings being cancelled, along with social distancing how many local projects aimed at local community needs are not being met? 

Local Clubs are discovering ZOOM as an avenue to meet online once a week.  It is filling a need but human contact is way better.  And I missed the mystery meat in the brown gravy.

Some observations about my quarantine.

+  Time to meet my neighbors—they seem like nice people

+  Parents are attempting home schooling.  A few days ago I asked my neighbor why her 3 kids were outside and she said they were practicing a fire drill.

+  Many parents are discovering that maybe the teacher wasn’t the problem

+  Wouldn’t this be a good time to pave the roads?

+  If you have someone who owes you money, go to their home—they should be there

+  HELPFUL TIP: every few days try your jeans on just to make sure they fit.  PJs will have you believe all is well in the kingdom



April 14th Meeting


President Tony Delevati leads the Club in its second 'virtual' meeting using Zoom technology. President-elect Tabb Randolph again served as Zoom GURU. Approximately 33 members and guests participated in today's session.



Dr. Timothy Bernard, Podiatrist as well as Vice President & Secretary of the Woodland Clinic Medical Group (WCMG) was our guest speaker today. Tim is former member and Past President of our Club (2001-02) and is currently a Luna Vista Rotarian. Tim also invited Dr. Ashley Sens, WCMG Chief Medical Officer, and Dr. Sudershan Singh, WCMG's Infectious Disease Specialist, to join him as they gave an absorbing, informative, timely and sobering overview of the current COVID-19 pandemic and what the Clinic is doing to address the situation. The trio then answered many meeting participant questions until nearly 30 minutes after our alloted meeting time.



 Some screenshot images from the meeting. Thanks to David Pinto for his contributions.


Great to see Blair Voelz participating from inside his truck!!


Happy Easter!





Immediate Need for Volunteers


President Tony Delevati reports Woodland Rotarians are being asked to assist the Yolo County Office of Education with their immediate need for volunteers to transport food items between the Yolo Food Bank in Woodland to Esparto where they are needed for the Esparto community. Volunteer drivers will use their own pickup or SUV and wear a mask. These volunteers will not be loading or unload the vehicle; just pickup and deliver the food.


For more information or to sign-up contact Lacey Hilliard

at 530 309-8696 or by email.




UPDATE 4/14 - Lacey Hilliard reports the Yolo County Office of Education is aware of our ability to provide drivers & assistance, but apparently has already received support from other volunteers. If we receive any requests for volunteers, Lacey will let advise those who have indicated their willingness to help.



Mary Jo Holmes -

Rest in Peace


We are saddened to learn Mary Jo Holmes, wife of Roy Holmes for more than 71 years, passed away on April 6. Mary Jo is shown here attending our Club's August 13th meeting with daughter Marjorie when Roy told us about his Honor Flight experience. Roy, who bravely joined April 7th's 'virtual' Club meeting, says services for Mary Jo will be scheduled sometime after the current shelter in place order is lifted.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Roy and the Holmes family.


View obituary in Daily Democrat.



April 7th Meeting


After several weeks of being dark due to shelter in place policies in effect, the Club held its first 'virtual' meeting from Noon -1pm today using Zoom technology. With President-elect Tabb Randolph (the 'Zoommaster') coordinating, President Tony Delevati presided with 26 Club members participating. The Flag was saluted, Rotary Grace was led by Jim McGibbon, birthdays for Marc Faye (March 12) & Steve Venables (April 6) were noted, and anniversaries for Tom Schwarzgruber (Gail; March 13) & Steve Venables (Lydia; April 15) were acknowledged.  


Les Engelmann reported that Meals on Wheels has changed its deliveries to Tuesdays and Fridays only now. Three meals are provided each delivery.


President Tony reported the sad news that Mary Jo Holmes, wife of Roy Holmes, passed away yesterday. Roy bravely attended today's meeting and said services for Mary Jo will be scheduled sometime after the shelter in place policies are lifted. He went on to say that Mary Jo's death did not involve the corona virus.



President Tony reported our Club Board has reviewed and approved participation with other local Rotary clubs to request a Rotary Disaster Grant for our area.



President Tony reported our Rotary District 5160 is urging Rotarians to 'join the fight against COVID-19' by personally volunteering with other Rotarians to become Telehealth or Community Health Workers in a Million Rotarian Volunteer Surge. For more information see the April 6th email sent by Governor Tina Akins to every Rotarian, or go to https://theglobalimpactgroup.org/


More about the Volunteer Surge Program can be seen in this

YouTube Video.




President Tony passed along this message that the Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance is looking for volunteers for the Phone Friends for Seniors program. Contact Sheila Allen at 400-3471 or via email if interested.



President Tony offered this message for inspiration.



Club Meeting April 7th

via Zoom


President Tony Delevati has set a Club meeting at

Noon, Tuesday, April 7th via Zoom:


Topic: Woodland Noon Rotary - ZOOM Meeting

Time: Apr 7, 2020 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 311 553 882


One tap mobile

+13462487799,,311553882# US (Houston)

+17207072699,,311553882# US (Denver)


Dial by your location

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

        +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

        +1 253 215 8782 US

        +1 301 715 8592 US

Meeting ID: 311 553 882

Find your local number: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fcincvAH1n



Club Dark for Corona Virus


In response to public health emergency orders by Yolo County and the State of California due to the Covid-19 (Corona) virus, President Tony Delevati decided the Club would be dark for the regular meetings on March 17, 24 and 31.




Fire Engine Project Update



 Gary Wegener reports the project to transfer a local fire engine to Mexico is nearing its last stages, as the rig, known as the 'Triple Whammy' left Woodland on March 13. Some years ago the Woodland Fire Support Branch acquired and restored a stand-alone tanker trailer which was designed and built in 1972 by our local Springlake Fire Protection District. Though usable, the unit’s configuration was no longer insurable for operation in the United States. When the Woodland Fire Support Branch decided to get the unit transferred to a department that could use it, Rotary stepped in. Orinda Rotary, identified El Grullo, Mexico as the intended recipient. Our Club agreed with Orinda Rotary to split the $2500 cost of shipping the unit by semi-truck trailer to the Mexican border. Work on the complex details of transport, export/import, and ownership transfer aspects related to getting the unit to its new home is nearing completion. The Guadalajara Rotary Club is coordinating the various organizations in Mexico, getting commitments to help ensure the unit will be safely and efficiently put to its intended use. Members from Rio Vista and Tahoe City Rotary, who recently delivered a fire engine to Mulege in Baja California, have been a great help in navigating the border crossing logistics and ensuring the engine is ‘road ready’.  They took the rig to a Rotarian’s shop in Rio Vista for minor maintenance in preparation for shipping to San Diego. The current expectation is that the Triple Whammy will get turned over to the El Grullo bomberos (fire department) at the Mexico border by the end of March.


 How many Rotary Clubs can effectively partner on a project like this?  Five so far.




March 10th Meeting




Tom Bennett, Senior Vice President for Community Impact, United Way California Capital Region (UWCCR) was our guest speaker today. UWCCR merged with the former Woodland United Way last summer. Tom's presentation was about UWCCR's Square One projects and efforts to develop a Square One project locally. Thank you to Mark Ullrich for introducing our speaker.





President Tony produced photographic evidence President-elect Tabb Randolph did, in fact, show up for last week's District 5160 PETS (President Elects Training Seminar). Tabb can be seen in the upper right hand corner along with the 70+ other president-elects  

from around the District.



Aniek Ramsay gave us an update on planning efforts underway for the 2020 Senior BBQ set for May 5 at Rotary Park. Chuck Maltese, who managed to draw a free lunch today, also told us we only have a few openings left for Rotary Mystery Golf trip on Wednesday, May 6, 2020.



President Tony auctioned off a few items that were left behind at the Dinner Auction. Nick Roncoroni got some of the wine his family had donated. Lisa Martinez picked up some olive oil. Gary Bunch obtained a Father Paddy's gift card his firm had donated. Blair Voelz also got some wine.  



Don Huff III has stopped shaking other people's hand these days. Not because of the virus going around. He heard there is a shortage on toilet paper! President-nominee Dan Stroski enjoyed a recent trip to Chicago where he taught his granddaughter to play cribbage - she won! Frank Gardner reported that due to the recent virus concerns, wife Shirley will celebrate her birthday tomorrow with a KFC chicken dinner at home. Bob Nakken had a great weekend at spring training in Arizona with family and his daughter, Assistant SF Giants Coach Alyssa showing them around.




March 3rd Meeting


Derrek Kaff, Police Chief, City of Woodland, was our guest speaker today giving us an update on key issues for the Police Department - homelessness, traffic and violent crime.



Foundation Chairman Tom Schwarzgruber announced President Tony Delevati has become a member of the Paul Harris Society pledging annual contributions of $1000 or more to the Rotary Foundation, and presented him with his Paul Harris Fellowship +4 pin. Tom then presented Romi and Karl Diekman with diamond pins signifying they have achieved the second level as Major Donors to the Foundation, which means their total contributions to the Foundation have reached $25,000 (all cash, no points).




 Don Huff III reported that his dad, Don Huff Jr., shook so many hands at the Dinner Auction that he had to have a splint put on his wrist. Kris Kristensen was the subject of Why Rotary today. Daniel Jones couldn't attend the Dinner Auction because he was in Visalia being installed as a  State level representative of  the Young Farmers and Ranchers (a division of the Farm Bureau) for Solano, Contra Costa and Alameda counties. President-elect Tabb Randolph was a happy guy today, thanking everyone for making the Dinner Auction last Saturday successful. He reported we have grossed over $54,000 in the effort and he expects we will end up with net proceeds of at least $33,000.



Splinter writer Bob Nakken drew a free lunch today. Jan Voelz was introduced by her husband  Blair Voelz as his guest today.



Club's Dinner Auction

Saturday, February 29, 2020

California Ag Museum






  Event supports the acquisition of a

new scoreboard

for the

Woodland High School Stadium project,

as well as our community fund

which benefits other local needs.




The Club wishes to thank these  

sponsors and donors 

who made this event's success possible:




Table Wine & Wine Tasting

Matchbook Wine Co. - John & Lane Giguiere



GOLD ($1000)

Dignity Health - Kevin Vaziri

Wilkinson International



SILVER ($500) 

Wraith, Scarlett & Randolph Insurance Services, Inc.

- Tabb Randolph & Tom Scarlett

Yolo Federal Credit Union - Janee Rawlings

Edward Jones - Kevin Haarberg & Jennifer Ward 

Ernie Hodges

Laugeour & Meikle



BRONZE ($250)

Ullrich Delevati CPAs - Mark Ullrich & Tony Delevati

Valley Ag Loans - Peter Holmes

Gardner, Janes, Nakken, Hugo & Nolan - David Janes, Robert Nakken & Jim Nolan

Scott & Sheila Johnston

Sonin Law Firm - Barbara Sonin

Tom & Kay LaBrie

Teichert Materials - Jason Smith

Roger Kohlmeier, Mahlon Whittle & Steve Venables

Seth Wurzel




A-1 Appliance

All Seasons Paint

Answer Home Loans, Mark Galbo

Belissi Face & Body

Big O Tires 

Farm Credit West

First Northern Bank

Jan van Muyden Frink

Dan Holmes Photography, Roy Holmes

Dick & Muffy Hoppin

Dixie's Paw & Claws

Don Huff Jr.

Food 4 Less

KLJ Studios

K&M Floral

Kathy Kristensen

David Long 

Byron MacConnell & Don Sharp

Joyce & Chuck Maltese 

Kerrin Martin, Certified Personal Trainer/Licensed Nutritionist

Nugget Market

Jim & Barbara Nolan

Park Winters

Perry Bunch and Johnston, Inc. CPAs

Premier Chiropractic & Pilates - Christian Sherrill DC & Holidae Barrow DC

Roncoroni Family

Art & Lori Ross

Shawn Seyk

Dan Stroski


Tri Counties Bank

True Value Distribution 

Ullrich Delevati CPAs 

United Way California Capital Region

Van Beurden Insurance Services

Steve & Lydia Venables

Jan & Blair Voelz

Sherry & Mark Werum

Gary Wirth

Yolo County Sheriff Tom Lopez


We also thank the Woodland High School Interact Club

and the Woodland Sunrise Rotary Club for their valuable assistance!


 Event Photos









February 25th Meeting


Mojos/Kitchen 428 owner Christy Hayes, a former Club member and now a member of Luna Vista Rotary, was our guest speaker today, giving us an update on what's happening

in Downtown Woodland.



Our newest member Marie Galbo got her badge and talked with us about her background and what brought her to our Club. Those members who had not already done so, came up to welcome Marie to the Club. Peter Holmes was the subject of Why Rotary today. Peter remembered the steak sandwiches when the Club met at the Bowling Alley. He liked the Club's good works and asked Mark Ullrich about becoming a member. He enjoys projects like Rotary Youth Exchange and had several students stay at his home over the years. Peter has enjoyed giving back with Rotary.



Bob Nakken 'rang the bell' about his son's recent wedding. He now has two Alyssas in his family! Shawn Seyk 'rang the bell' and was serenaded for his birthday (Baltimore) today.




During today's Recognition members were asked about their favorite project that our Club has conducted over the years, or, give an idea of a project the Club should work on in the future. Jane O'Meara thinks the Club should develop a place where people can play chess or checkers outside. Barbara Sonin and Kevin Haarberg both like the Rotary Fields project that our Club did over two years at Pioneer High School. Carl Rodegerdts' favorite project was one the was done during his year as President-elect: building the shade structure at Rotary Park.



Woodland Sunrise Rotarian Byron MacConnell joined us today. George Burger managed to draw a free lunch. Daniel Jones introduced his guest today, Adam Richardson, also with Tri Counties Bank.



Update From

Outbound Rotary Exchange Student

This year our Club is a sponsor of outbound Rotary Exchange student Madeline Senter of Davis who is spending her junior year in high school in France. Above, Maddie is greeted by her host family as she arrives in France. Read her September and December 2019 reports.




February 18th Meeting


UC Davis Men's Basketball Head Coach, and former Sacramento Kings player, Jim Les was our guest speaker today giving us a look into his career and the challenges of student athletes at UCD.



Chuck Maltese wants players to signup for the May 6th Mystery Golf Trip. Nick Roncoroni gave us an update on the Interact Club at Woodland High School which our Club supports. Steve Venables has a new book about Woodland - only $10 for Club members he says.




Foundation Chair Tom Schwarzgruber presents Bob Nakken with his Paul Harris +3 pin in recognition of his contributions to the Rotary Foundation. 



President-nominee Dan Stroski got results from his battle with AT&T. After a two week Jim Nolan was happy the jury awarded him $750,000!



Under Recognition questioning from Rotary District Foundation Chair Karl Diekman, Les Engelmann was reminded an important preparation for new club presidents is to set goals for the club in the coming year; Ken Nordgren knew that for a Club to be a 100% Paul Harris Sustaining Club all members need to make at least a $100 contribution to the Rotary Foundation within the year; Mark Werum knew that Tom Schwarzgruber will help you make a contribution to the Foundation; and Lisa Martinez found out that member support of the club president will make the club more vibrant.



Meet our Newest Member -

Marie Galbo


Marie Galbo was inducted as a new Club member on February 11, 2020. Marie, who comes to us from San Ramon, provided us with the following bio at our request. Please take a moment soon to welcome Marie to the Club.


Born in Trenton, New Jersey, Marie spent her early childhood on Long Island, New York. She attended high school and Cal State Northridge in Los Angeles prior to moving to the San Ramon Valley with her husband, Ed, and two children in 1976. Marie was always active in the community serving as PTA President, Cub Scout leader, various school board positions, and San Ramon Incorporation committee. But her most rewarding experience has been the last 25 years of membership with the San Ramon Rotary Club and serving as 2001-2002 President.


Marie was employed in mortgage lending for 20 years. She was an appraiser, mortgage broker, and a consultant for Washington Mutual Bank.


Ed passed in 2012 and Marie is now relocating to Woodland to be close to her children and grandchildren.




February 11th Meeting




Larry Love, Pastor, Woodland Christian Church, was our guest speaker today giving us his Thoughts on LOVE as we approach Valentine's Day. Thank you Gary Wegener for introducing our speaker.



As Club Historian, Steve Venables presented Immediate Past President Mike Chandler with a book of Splinter editions from Mike's year as Club President. President Tony Delevati welcomed Marie Galbo as our Club's newest member. Marie has recently relocated to Woodland and previously was a member of the San Ramon Rotary Club where she is a Past President. 
Please introduce yourself to Marie




President-elect Tabb Randolph was happy to get dinner and raffle prize tickets distributed to members today. He along with President-nominee Dan Stroski (oral auction), Mark Ullrich (sponsorships) and Kris Kristensen (silent auction/lucky draw) gave us updates on Dinner Auction preparations. Tabb is urging every member to go out and sell or buy at least two Winner's Choice Raffle tickets!


Visiting Rotarian Bryan MacConnell (Woodland Sunrise) joined us today. Lori Ross introduced her guests Jayne Williams and Jim Campos. Jim Campos 'rang the bell' with a contribution during Recognition today!


Mark Ullrich took the lead on today's Recognition, asking questions about Valentine's Day. Clyde Brooker learned that Cadbury was the first candy maker credited with making chocolate Valentines. Karl Diekman discovered that Necco's make the Valentine's heart candy.  Wendy Casas-Raviotta figured 50% of Americans celebrate Valentines; the correct answer was 55%


 David Pinto found out the typical male spends $130 on his Valentine. Roy Holmes learned that the Romans are considered the first anciet civilization to celebrate the concept of Valentines. Shawn Seyk discovered the first Valentine's card was sent in the year 1415. And Tom Schwarzgruber was informed that King Henry VIII of England was the first English monarch to recognize Valentine's Day.



 President Tony Delevati was happy he has already sold 9 Winner's Choice Raffle tickets. Peter Holmes was happy to have delegated the Fire Engine project to Gary Wegener. With the pot at $215 and 25 cards remaining, Jim Taylor drew a free lunch. Dick Hoppin told a 'true story' about how lawyers make money.


February 4th Meeting

Lucy Roberts, Co-chair of Resilient Yolo, was our guest speaker today giving us a presentation on 'Dealing with Childhood Traumas' and Resilient Yolo's efforts to build awareness about the impacts of adverse childhood events on adult life. View more at Resilient Yolo's website.



Aniek Ramsay 'rang the bell' today in announcing that she became the 2020 President of the Woodland Chamber of Commerce on January 31. Congratulations Aniek!


Birthday celebrations announced: Jason Smith  on Jan 5 (1976, Anaheim) and Mike Chandler on Feb 1 (1949, Woodland). Upcoming wedding anniversaries announced today: Blair Voelz (who 'rang the bell') on Feb 5 (Jan, 48 years ago) and Peter Holmes on Feb 11 (Chris, 36 years ago, San Diego).


President-elect Tabb Randolph took the Recognition lead today. He was happy about a recent visit to Kona, Hawaii with the Schwarzgrubers. Frank Gardner presented Roy Holmes with a framed picture of the WWII Memorial in Washington DC which was dedicated by President Reagan. Shawn Seyk and his son took a 2600 mile college tour road trip recently in which his son really liked the University of Idaho. Ernie Hodges and wife Kay recently returned from a three week trip to Brazil and the Antarctic.


Roy Holmes gloated he predicted Kansas City would win last Sunday's Super Bowl. Don Huff III is happy that duck season is over. Mark Ullrich liked the first 53 minutes of the Super Bowl, but despite the 49ers eventual loss, he 'rang the bell' about their progress this year. In a tailgating mood today, Jim McGibbon told us how the first football game in North America was held 146 years ago when teams from McGill University (Jim's alma matter for medical school) met Harvard University in a game that ended 0-0.



Under Super Bowl trivia questions from Tabb Randolph, Tom LaBrie learned that 1994 MVP Emmit Smith of the Dallas Cowboys had his helmet stolen after the game;  George Burger learned that Patrick Mahomes joined Tom Brady and Ben Rothlesberger as Super Bowl MVPs under age 25; Tim Pettit learned that Andy Reid had 220 victories as a coach before winning last Sunday's Super Bowl; and Kris Kristensen knew that Bart Starr of the Green Bay Packers was the first MVP of a Super Bowl.



With the pot at $183 and 26 cards to choose from, Clancy Duppong drew a free lunch. Visiting Rotarian Marie Galbo (San Ramon) joined us for the last time since she is expected to become a member of our club next week.


Aniek Ramsay -

Chamber President

Our own Aniek Ramsay received the gavel as the 2020 President of the Woodland Chamber of Commerce, from outgoing President Jennifer Pike on January 31. Aniek says her goal will be to 'cultivate a renewed relevance' throughout the Chamber membership, local government and business community, and wants to tap the talents of young professionals. Read the Daily Democrat's article on the event. Congratulations Aniek!



January 28th Meeting


Richard Lansburgh, Mayor of the City of Woodland, was our guest speaker today giving us a program on 'Woodland's Homeless Action Plan'. The Mayor pointed out the most recent 'count' of homeless people in Woodland shows a total of 238 individuals, of which 75 are sheltered and 163 are unsheltered.



Rotary Gracers Dan Stroski, Jim McGibbon, Mark Werum & Clancy Duppong got some reasonable sound out of us today. We were joined by visiting Rotarians Byron MacConnell (Woodland Sunrise) and Marie Galbo (San Ramon). Marie made a generous donation of a single malt Scotch whisky to our Dinner Auction and is looking to become a member of our Club! Byron also pledged to make a donation to our Dinner Auction!

With the pot at $352 Dick Hoppin drew the joker and won the pot today!



Scott Johnston took the Recognition helm today, asking Super Bowl trivia questions. Daniel Jones remembered that the 49ers scored the highest team score in a SB game with 55 (1988), and learned that the 49ers-Chargers SB game (1995) holds the record for highest scoring game overall (75). Dan Stroski was happy his daughter dumped her boyfriend. On a more serious note, Frank Gardner reminded us the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Iwo Jima is next month and the sacrifices many made there for the freedom we enjoy today.



 President Tony was happy the Rotary Foundation changed the rules so that our Club can apply for two years worth of grants in one year. Chuck Moore happily announced his daughter Adrienne has a new contract to do the news at KOVR Channel 13. Jim Nolan enjoyed holding his new grandchild recently. Clancy Duppong was happy about the Kings recent 27 point come-from-behind victory.


Club's Dinner Auction - Feb 29


Saturday, February 29, 2020

Ag History Museum

Anderson Catering 



By Club vote ,

 proceeds from this event will support the acquisition of a new scoreboard for the Woodland High School Stadium project,

as well as our community fund

which benefits other local needs.


Key contacts:


President-elect Tabb Randoph - Auction leader

President-nominee Dan Stroski - Oral Auction items

Mark Ullrich & Roger Kohlmeier - Sponsorships

Kris Kristensen - Silent Auction items



Member Responsibilities:


Make a donation for the Oral or Silent Auctions, or purchase a Sponsorship


Sell or purchase two or more Grand Prize raffle tickets


Donate a bottle or two of good wine for the 'Wagon of Wine'




Winner's Choice Raffle:






Each Club member is expected to purchase or sell at least two tickets. Printed tickets will be distributed at the Club's February 11th meeting.


Each ticket is $100.

Make checks out to 'Woodland Rotary Endowment'.  

No more than 150 tickets will be sold.

The winning ticket will be drawn at the Dinner Auction. 

Need not be present to win.



Oral Auction Item -

Dan Holmes Photo


Our own Roy Holmes is once again offering a beautiful custom photograph taken and finished by his son Dan, a professional photographer, in our oral auction. The buyer will be able to choose from a selection of Dan's 'Stories in Light' photos(over 80). The buyer can select the print size, up to 24" x 36". Estimated value: $445

To view the photo selections go to:





January 21st Meeting


Dr. Alexander Forrest, Assistant Professor, UC Davis Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering was our guest speaker today, presenting a program on UC Davis' Tahoe Environmental Research Center at Lake Tahoe, and its 2019 State of the Lake Report.


A copy of the 2019 State of the Lake Report can be seen here.



Visiting Rotarians Don Sharp (Woodland Sunrise) and Marie Galbo (San Ramon) joined us today. George Burger introduced his son Jeff Burger as a prospective new member. 




Proud poppa Bob Nakken 'rang the bell' acknowledging the exciting news of his daughter Alyssa Nakken's hiring as a coach by the SF Giants - the first female coach in Major League Baseball history. Bob also enjoyed the seeing the movie '1917', also enjoyed by Steve Venables & Jim Taylor ('those guys in the moving did a lot of walking!!). Barbara Sonin was today's subject of Why Rotary. Barbara said she joined Rotary to be with the 'movers & shakers' of Woodland, and found out the Club is 'full of amazing people that do wonderful things for their community & internationally'.




Jim Nolan led Recognition today, asking several questions about Martin Luther King's holiday. Mark Werum, David Janes and Steve Venables learned some valuable lessons! 


Don Huff III was happy some wind helped him bag 4 geese & 6 ducks in a recent hunt. Gary Wegener enjoyed 'Sister Act' at the Woodland Opera House. Happy Rotarian Mark Ullrich 'rang the bell' and donned the cap of the SF 49ers in recognition of their big win over the weekend. Karl Diekman just returned from a trip to Egypt.



Alyssa Nakken!

Hired as SF Giants

Coach - First Female Coach in MLB History


Alyssa Nakken, daughter of Bob & Gaye Nakken, has been named a coach for the San Francisco Giants by new manager Gabe Kapler. Alyssa is the first female coach in Major League Baseball history!


View story in Daily Democrat

View story by ESPN





January 14th Meeting




Our own Barbara Sonin was today's program speaker, giving us a presentation on 'Special Needs Trusts'. More about Barbara's work can be seen at https://www.bsoninlaw.com/



Shawn Seyk was the subject of Why Rotary today. Shawn's uncles, Bob and Roger Dorris, both Rotarians, got him started, and he really identifies with the Rotary moto, 'Service Above Self'.

Aniek Ramsay was congratulated on recently being named President of the Woodland Chamber of Commerce.



Paul Bridge was Lori Ross' guest today. Mark Werum and wife Sherry celebrated their 47th wedding anniversery on Dec 23. Peter Holmes 'rang the bell' for a skiing trip  to Austria with Chris to help celebrate his 60th birthday on Jan 6.

 Clancy Duppong was happy about North Dakota State's recent football championship. Mark Ullrich was basking in the glow of the SF 49ers' first playoff victory. Chuck Moore's young grandson broke some news to him recently by wearing a shirt that had 'brother' written on it in five languages. Congratulations Grandpa!


President-elect Tabb Randolph gave us an update on Dinner Auction plans. Tabb was also happy the Seahawks lost last weekend (no word on how wife Nancy is doing.)


Dan Stroski is gathering oral auction items for the auction. Just say 'yes' when Dan contacts you. Dan was also happy that he will be seeing his grandkids in Chicago on March 1.


Chuck Maltese took the lead on Recognition today. With Chuck's question, Daniel Jones learned that if you are running in a race and overtake the person in 2nd place, you are now in 2nd place - not first!.


January 7th Meeting



 Dana Carey, Manager, Yolo County Office of Emergency Services, was our guest speaker today, giving us an extensive look at the wide variety of functions provided by the Office in planning for and delivering services during actual major emergencies within the County and region.



 Foundation Chair Tom Schwarzgruber presented Paul Harris Fellowship +4 pins to Gary Wegener and Tim Pettit today in recognition for their contributions to the Rotary Foundation.



Roy Holmes 'rang the bell' today in happiness at returning to a Club meeting after an absence. Roy turned 94 years young on November 28 and celebrated his 71st wedding anniversary with Mary on December 11. Not to be outdone, Frank Gardner was happy to attend today's meeting at age 95. A much younger David Pinto celebrated his birthday on January 5th, as well as his wedding anniversary with Rebecca on January 4th. David & Rebecca hiked in two National Parks in Arizona over the holidays.



The NFL playoffs have the attention of some of our members. Mark Ullrich and Roger Kohlmeier were optimistic in looking forward to this weekend's SF 49ers game with Minnesota. On the other hand, Tabb Randolph explained a division of loyalties in his household: he is a 49ers fan while wife Nancy is a die-hard Seattle Seahawks fan. Tabb does something else when the Seahawks are playing. Ken Nordgren likes Nancy Randolph!



 Gary Bunch took the reins on Recognition today. Jim Nolan enjoyed a visit from his new grandchild over the holidays. Don Huff III was happy to avoid Lake Tahoe during the holidays. Jim McGibbon explained how the Club is one of several Rotary District 5160 clubs currently working to put a District and Global grant together to establish a medical training facility in northern Nicaragua.



Vicki Faye (Woodland Sunrise) visited today.

Dan Jones learned what it's like to draw a free lunch.




Happy New Year - 2020!


Rotary's float for the 2020 Rose Parade




December 17th -

Christmas Lunch Meeting


We were greeted today by 'Delf the Elf' who apologized that President Tony Delevati had not been to a Club meeting this month. Delf presided today and thanked Past Presidents Mark Ullrich and Mike Chandler who filled in for Tony these past few weeks.




Lots of guests and visiting Rotarian today. The following members introduced their guests/wife today: Mark Ullrich, Audrey; Bob Nakken, Gaye; Frank Gardner, Shirley; Jim McGibbon, Susie; and Tom LaBrie, Kaye. While Gary Wirth was off somewhere else, Les Engelmann introduced Gary's guest, his wife Meg. Nick Ponticello (Woodland Sunrise) visited us today.





Frank and Shirley Gardner will celebrate their 71st wedding anniversary on Dec 19. Christian Sherrill celebrated his 43rd birthday on Dec 13. Kris Kristensen will turn 69 years old on Dec 21. Clancy Duppong celebrated his 83rd birthday on Dec 12. And Jim Taylor 'rang the bell twice' announcing that he turns 88 years old on Dec 18. David Pinto and his wife Rebecca will celebrate 28 years of marriage on Jan 4.  



Google never recognized Jane O'Meara's home until it recently got an official number, and she was so happy, she 'rang the bell'.


Delf spread the cheer today. First, he thanked our server Vanessa for her dedicated service to the Club during the past year and presented her with a tip collected from members which totaled about $450. Delf also provided us with some wine, champagne and hard egg nog today! Finally, Delf passed out some goodies to all the good members in the Club.



Woodland High Interact -

First Service Project

Woodland High Interactors  - Lenny Zamora, Rauhiya, Kia Owens, and Erick Ramirez - teamed up with three WHS LEO club members to support the United Way's holiday gift program for needy families identified by the Woodland schools.  It was their first service project; a nice way to kick off the holiday season.




December 10th Meeting

Jennifer Gross, Head Coach, UC Davis Women's Basketball was our guest speaker today giving us a look into why the program has been succesfull. Immediate Past President Mike Chandler substituted for President Tony Delevati today. Coach Gross even extended an offer of two tickets to a UCD Womens Basketball game on January 11, 2020 to all Club members (view offer). Thanks to Dan Jones for introducing our speaker.



In charge of today's Recognition, Jim McGibbon provided a copy of a Bank of Woodland newsletter article from July 1991 to Roger Kohlmeier & Gary Wirth which highlighted their roles at the Bank. Similarly Jim presented an old Woodland Healthcare Foundation newsletter to Mark Ullrich highlighting his work with the Foundation. 



 Shawn Seyk is happy about coaching his youngest daughter, Claire, in soccer. Her team did well in a recent State Cup tournament. Bob Nakken shared his daughter Alyssa, who works for the SF Giants, seems to like the new Giants Manager Gabe Kapler. Mark Ullrich enjoyed the SF 49ers big victory last Sunday. Barbara Sonin had an enjoyable trip to Virginia recently to visit her daughters, and to watch one of her granddaughters dance in a performance of the Nutcracker. 



Don Huff Jr enjoyed the Sacramento Kings last second victory over the Houston Rockets the night before.  Ernie Hodges survived an annual trip to New York City last week with Roger Kohlmeier, Kevin Haarberg & their wives. Dan Jones had a great deer hunting trip with his dad, and got an 8 point buck.

Tabb Randolph bought a new Jeep Wrangler in Idaho and enjoyed driving it back to Woodland with Tom Schwarzgruber. Kevin Haarberg enjoyed the Hodges trip to New York. Scott and Sheila Johnston enjoyed a recent stay in Hawaii. 



 Shawn Seyk introduced his guest, daughter Sarah, who came along to meet a requirement of her speach class to attend a public speaking event. (Hope we didn't scare her off!!)



Rotary Holiday Party


About 60 Rotarians from Woodland's Sunrise, Luna Vista and Noon clubs, and their guests,enjoyed the Rotary Holiday Party at the Fairgrounds on December 6.  Donations of teddy bears were made to BACA (Bikers Against Child Abuse) which will be distributed to local children who have suffered from abuse. The Delta Rhythm Quartet entertained with a medly of holiday tunes. 



December 3rd Meeting

Our guest speaker today was Art Pimentel, President of Woodland Community College who gave us an update on services and plans at the 5,500 student campus. This includes planning efforts to build a new Performing Arts building on campus starting in late 2020 or early 2021. Thank you Lori Ross for arranging and introducing the program. Past President Mark Ullrich presided today, filling in for President Tony Delevati who was ill. 




Immediate Past President Mike Chandler conducted a voice vote election for 2020-21 Club Officers and Board of Directors positions effective July 1, 2020. Elected were:


President-elect - Dan Stroski

(will serve as President 2021-22)

Secretary - Alan Flory

Treasurer - Marcus Ullrich

Assistant Treasurer - Tom Schwarzgruber

Club Board of Directors (July 2020-June 2022) -

Gary Bunch, Carl Rodegerdts, Blair Voelz


(Based on the election last year, Tabb Randolph will serve as Club President for 2020-21, and Jason Smith, Jim McGibbon and Jim Nolan will also serve on the Board of Directors.)




During David Janes' Recognition today Ken Nordgren learned that the Wamponoag tribe of native Americans gave food to the Pilgrims after their first harvest in 1621. Don Huff III was happy to survive 60 mph winds and single digit temperatures on a recent trip with friends to Lubbock TX to hunt sand hill cranes (Later, Chuck Maltese wondered why anyone would do that???). Jim Nolan was happy he had 34 people at his house this Thanksgiving, the 36th consecutive year of hosting the holiday at his home. Tom LaBrie learned that the first football game played on Thanksgiving took place in 1876 between Yale & Princeton. John Ketelesen found out a running turkey was 'fast food'. Mark Werum learned the difference between election day and Thanksgiving was on Thanksgiving you get turkey for the day, while on election day you get a turkey for four years! 


Two December 2nd birthdays were celebrated this week: Aniek Ramsay (50 years ago in Fresno), and Karl Diekman (1949 in Ohio). 




 With just 9 cards left, Peter Holmes managed to draw the joker and ran away with $744!






Meet our New Member -

Wendy Casas-Raviotta




Wendy Casas-Raviotta was inducted as a new Club member on November 12, 2019. Wendy, who was sponsored by Mark Ullrich, provided us with the following bio at our request. Please take a moment soon to welcome Wendy to the Club.


Wendy is a native Woodland resident.  She graduated from Woodland High School in 1996.  After graduating high school, she followed in her older sister’s footsteps by attending  UC Davis where she majored in History and Spanish.  During her third year of college, Wendy studied abroad in Mexico City.  She also interned in Washington DC her last year of college.  She graduated UC Davis in 2000 and enrolled at UC Davis School of Law King Hall the following year.  While in law school, she interned at the Yolo County Public Defender’s Office where she developed an interest in criminal defense work.  Wendy graduated law school in 2004 and passed the bar that same year.  She began her legal career as a deputy public defender in Kern County.  After a couple of years, she moved back to Northern California where she accepted a position with the Solano County Public Defender’s Office and worked as a defense attorney for over ten years. In May 2018, Wendy opened her solo practice in Woodland where she continues to focus on criminal defense and family law matters.   Wendy is married to Joseph Raviotta, who is a tower crane operator in San Francisco. They’ve been married for ten years and have two children, Max who is in fourth grade and Maya who is in second grade. 


Wendy is fluent in Spanish.  She is an active board member on the La Raza Lawyers Association of Solano County.




November 19th Meeting



Italian chef, instructor and television personality Lucia Oliverio was our guest speaker today, giving us a 'Guide to a Healthy Thanksgiving Dinner'. She was joined by her partner at GreenOlive Cooking Cindy Green. Lucia even provided us with a sample of her Roasted Root Vegetables in a Sweet Glaze, a side dish she recommmended for the holiday.

Thank you Lori Ross for arranging and introducing this program! https://www.youtube.com/c/greenolivecookingchannel




In today's Why Rotary spotlight, Christian Sherrill shared that he moved to his wife Holidae's hometown of Woodland in 2004 when she knew everyone in town age 18-45. After he joined Rotary because it was 'more his style', Christian instantly knew everyone in town 45 years of age and older. So, together they had the whole town covered! Christian also enjoys the programs offered at Rotary meetings. 


Nick Roncoroni 'rang the bell' for his daughter Elisabeth's second place performance in a recent cheerleading competition.



On behalf of the Club's past presidents, Immediate Past President Mike Chandler placed in nomination the following slate of new Club officers and directors for 2020-21

effective July 1, 2020:


President-elect - Dan Stroski

(will serve as President 2021-22)

Secretary - Alan Flory

Treasurer - Marcus Ullrich

Assistant Treasurer - Tom Schwarzgruber

Club Board of Directors (July 2020-June 2022) -

Gary Bunch, Carl Rodegerdts, Blair Voelz

 The Club will be asked to vote for election of

Club officers and directors at its

December 3, 2019 meeting.

(Based on the election last year, Tabb Randolph will serve as Club President for 2020-21, and Jason Smith, Jim McGibbon and Jim Nolan will also serve on the Board of Directors.)




Under Kris Kristensen's Recognition questions regarding the Club's website Jane O'Meara knew that new member Lisa Martinez's bio was on the website; Kevin Haarberg learned that Gary Wegener was seeking new members for the WHS Interact Club last week; Blair Voelz knew that Wendy Casas-Raviotta became our newest member last week; Chuck Moore found out that David Pinto came to the United States after growing up in India; Steve Venables knew that Daniel Jones ('that tall guy') works at Tri Counties Bank; Tabb Randolph celebrated his 62nd birthday on Nov 17; George Burger found out the website is currently highlighting the Club's support of the FFA Auction and United Way's Imagination Library; and Tim Pettit knew that Ernie Hodges was previously a member of the West Sacramento Rotary Club. 



Visiting Rotarians Don Sharp & Vicki Faye (Woodland Sunrise) joined us today. Jim Taylor introduced his guest, wife Ann Taylor. Lori Ross introduced guests Jason Brett (left) and Bill Greenwood, our guest speaker's husband.




November 12th Meeting

Yolo County Fair CEO Bart Vannucci was our guest speaker today, giving us a history of the Fair, and a review of its operations and challenges. The Yolo County Fair remains the longest running 'free' (no entrance fee) in California. Thanks to Dick Hoppin for introducing Bart today.



President Tony Delevati inducted Wendy Casas-Raviotta as the newest member of the Club today. Wendy was introduced and sponsored by Mark Ullrich.



Gary Wegener reported the Interact Club of Woodland High School, which is sponsored by our Club, is looking for additional members. If you know of a WHS student looking for community service experience contact Gary or the Club's Advisor, Mr. Owens.



Chuck Moore thanked President Tony Delevati, John Ketelsen and Kris Kristensen for volunteering as judges at the FFA Opening/Closing Competition at Woodland Community College on November 8. Tony and Kris really enjoyed the experience and John was impressed with the character and skills of the FFA students.



Mark Ullrich enjoyed a great celebration at Matchbook Winery for his 70th birthday on November 10 and 'rang the bell'. Les Engelman recently returned from a wonderful trip to New York City with wife Gail and their grandson. This was the Grand Prize Raffle trip which Gail won at the 2019 Dinner Auction. Roy Holmes was so glad to be back at the Club, he 'rang the bell'.





Karl Diekman served as Recognition Chief today and asked a variety of questions. Jim McGibbon remembered the 1970s incident where a high jacker jumped from airplane...and learned the high jacker's name was DB Cooper. Lacey Hilliard was reminded that President Tony's goal for the Rotary Foundation this year was to maintain the Club's 100% Paul Harris Sustaining Club status. Asked what started airport security checks (answer: high jackings), Chuck Maltese instead complained about service animals on airplanes (Nice to know some things don't change!).



Seattle Seahawk fans Ken Nordgren and John Ketelsen did the crowing today!




In addition to Wendy Casas-Raviotta, Mark Ullrich also brought Jeff Raven as a guest today. New member Wendy managed to draw a free lunch once again. IPP Mike Chandler said initial nominations for 2020-21 Club officers and Board members will be announced next week and the Club will be asked to vote at the Club's meeting December 3.



November is

Rotary Foundation Month



President Tony Delevati reminds us that

donations to the Foundation this month:


Help our Club remain a 100% Paul Harris Sustaining Club,

if every member donates

at least $100 during the year.


A $100 Rotary Foundation donation makes you and your guests

eligible to enter the Davis Noon Rotary's

Bocce Tournament

on November 16 (see flyer below).


All donations to the Foundation this month count receive

double points

toward your Paul Harris Fellowship.



Contact Foundation Chairman Tom Schwarzgruber

to make a donation.




International Service Project

Volunteer Needed


PDG Karl Diekman is looking for a Rotarian interested in working on an International Service project with Rotarians in Calgary, Canada and Nicaragua. The project is establishing a medical training facility in northern Nicaragua in cooperation with the University of Managua and the Ministry of Health. The primary role is to raise about $15,000 which involves contacting Rotary clubs in our area and applying for District funds. Depending on the interest of our volunteer(s) there is a possibility of further collaboration on this project and others with the Rotary Club of Calgary. Please contact Karl Diekman by November 20 if you are interested.




November 5th Meeting



John Waterman (left), member, Rotary Club of Paradise, and Dr. Keith Rode, Veterinarian & Sunrise Rotarian, were our guest speakers today. Each shared their experiences relating to the November 8, 2018 wildfire that destroyed the Town of Paradise, CA. Keith spoke about his efforts in animal care & treatment in Chico and Paradise shortly after the disaster as part of the California Veterinarian Medical Reserve Corp. John talked about his personal experience escaping the fire, eventually relocating from the area, and about Paradise's recovery today as well as its prospects for the future. Thank you to Lori Ross who arranged and introduced this sobering program for us today.



Don Huff III was 'happy' PG&E finally came out to trim some trees from power lines on his Lake Tahoe property. Scott Johnston had his 66th birthday on Oct 30, and happily anticipates receiving his first Social Security check in a few weeks. Gary Bunch took the Recognition lead today and started fining members with badges that had stickers on them...pretty bold considering Gary wasn't even wearing his badge!





Roger Kohlmeier and Mark Ullrich were gushing about the SF 49ers' winning record again today, and made optimistic predictions on the upcoming big game with the Seattle Seahawks.




Dan Stroski is happy he will be getting new exchange students from China. Steve Venables and Frank Gardner were helping each other with the stickers on their badges. Kevin Haarberg gave an assessment on Seahawk fans following his recent trip to the Seattle area.



With the pot at $469 and just 12 cards remaining,

Carl Rodegerdts could only manage a free lunch.





Lori Ross introduced her guest, Genesis Romero, United Way's new Vista employee in the Woodland office. Sunrise Rotarians Wayne Ginsburg (Club President) and John Martin also joined us today.




October 29th Meeting


City of Woodland Mayor Xochitl Rodriguez was our guest speaker today, providing us with an update of City issues as well as a summary of her military service. Thanks to Gary Wegener for introducing this program.



Dan Stroski, Marc Faye, Steve Venables and Mark Werum cleared their thoats today...or were they leading the Rotary Grace???




Dick Hoppin was the subject of today's Why Rotary. Dick said he first joined the Club in 1970 when Les Means was his sponsor. His inability to attend meetings regularly eventually caused him to leave the Club. However, he missed the camaraderie and following his retirement he was convinced by Gary Wirth to rejoin the Club in 2012. Dick feels his membership keeps him in better touch with what's happening in the community, and he finds it easy to do community service in Rotary.



Shawn Seyk, a long time coach of local youth soccer, was really excited that the two teams he took this past weekend to the BAY AREA FALL CUP, a big youth tournament held in Los Altos, each won their respective divisions! Pictured above, the Alliance U13 Girls won scoring a tournament record total of 26 goals while giving up only 2 goals. The Alliance U19 Boys won the Gold Division with a dramatic 1-0 finals victory in two overtimes. Shawn was really proud of his players' hard work.



Don Huff III celebrated his birthday October 23 (1952, Woodland, 'To be close to his mother' - thanks George!; 'Caught by Dr. Pye').  Tom LaBrie 'rang the bell' as he was happy to have recently attended the wedding of his grandson in Texas.



 This past weekend Bob Nakken enjoyed a family gathering in Half Moon Bay, but had to endure a 4.5 hour return trip around and through wildfires to get back home Sunday. Clancy Duppong took some pride in North Dakota States' football victory over South Dakota State this past Saturday. Kevin Haarberg was less than thrilled at Clancy's announcement. Mark Ullrich was happy the SF 49ers continued their winning ways, and enjoyed watching his granddaughter playing volleyball.




 Michael Robinson (left) & Johnathon Bayless from the Davis Noon Rotary visited us today. John gave us an update on the Bocce Tournament they are hosting on November 16 in support of the Rotary Foundation.




With the pot at $609 and 13 cards remaining, prospective new member Wendy Casas-Raviotta, guest of Mark Ullrich today, learned to draw a free lunch.



October 22nd Meeting -

The DG Comes to Town!


We had the pleasure of welcoming District 5160 Governor Tina Akins to our Club today. While providing an update on District activities and events, Governor Tina gave special recognition to our Aniek Ramsay for the valuable service she has provided the Club. She also recognized President Tony Delevati for his recent decision to become a Paul Harris Society member.



Clancy Duppong took some pride in North Dakota beating South Dakota in college football recently. Don Huff III gave us an update on the health challenges facing his dad, Don Huff Jr. Hard to believe, Nick Roncoroni will be turning 40 years old this Saturday! Shawn Seyk recently enjoyed an annual campout with friends for the 25th consecutive year.



Kevin Haarberg was the Recognition chief today, asking a number of World Series questions. Marc Faye, Clyde Brooker & Aniek Ramsay were among his victims.



You win some and you lose some. Daniel Jones won his first free lunch today. President Tony paid a $25 fine for his cell phone going off during this morning's Board meeting with the District Governor. He had company as Les Engelmann's phone went off during the meeting and paid the price.



Visiting Rotarians today included Duane Ewing (with the mouthful, from Sunrise), Lynn Jepsen (Sunrise) and Vic Georgiou (Danville). Dick Hoppin was thanked for doing Meals on Wheels today.



Meet our Newest Member -

Ernie Hodges



Ernie Hodges was inducted as a new Club member of the Club on October 8, 2019. Ernie, who was sponsored by Roger Kohlmeier, provided us with the following bio at our request. Please take a moment soon to welcome Ernie to the Club.



Ernest Hodges was born in same hospital as Dolly Parton in Sevierville, Tennessee.  He grew up in East Tennessee and rural Western North Carolina until going to University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.  He subsequently obtained a BS degree in Accounting from George Washington University.  He passed the CPA exam on his first try.  Ernie joined the National Farm Credit System at the regulatory agency in 1973 and with the exception of a 2 year tour on a USAID funded project in Tanzania, East Africa worked for Farm Credit in various executive positions until he retired on June 1, 2015.  During his Farm Credit career Ernie traveled to all 50 states  and had several exotic trips to destinations such as Delano and Dinuba, California.

Ernie married Kay on June 27,1981 in Washington D.C. and they moved to Sacramento in June 1982.  Kay and Ernie moved to Woodland in 1983 when he was named as CEO of Sacramento Valley Farm Credit.

Ernie joined West Sacramento Rotary Club in early 1992 until extremely heavy travel schedule led him to resign from Rotary in 2009.  The Hodges hosted 5 Rotary Youth Exchange students Eddy from Brazil, Emilie France, Aurelie Belgium, Charlotte Sweden and Jenny Germany.  They are blessed to have 10 Rotary Grandchildren (ages 2 months to 11 years) and are very excited they will be able to visit with all of them during 2020.  Kay and Ernie have visited each of the students homes several times and attended each of their weddings.

Both Ernie and Kay hold multiple Paul Harris Fellow certificates and they are RI benefactors.

Ernie and Kay enjoy at least 2 and sometimes 4 international trips annually.  Their next international adventure will be Antarctica in January.  He also can occasionally be found working on his woeful golf game at Yolo Fliers Club.  Once while playing with Gary Wirth, Gary advised Ernie there are at least 15 critical things that need to be done to have a successful golf swing and I was doing every one of them wrong!  Regrettably, he was correct in his brutal assessment.  His current broken left shoulder has at least kept him off the folly of attempting to hit a golf ball since early June and probably at least 6 more months.



October 15th Meeting



Career Coach Marsha Toy Engstrom, of Woodland, was our guest speaker today, giving us a program on 'Ties to Tattoos: 5 Keys to Communicating with 5 Generations'.

View 5 Generations chart

View 5 Keys to communicating with the 5 generations


More about Marsha's work can be seen at www.GoCareerCoaching.com



 A good crowd today!



Blair Voelz spoke about his personal Why Rotary. After being introduced to Rotary at a Dinner Auction several years ago by then President Les Engelmann, Blair became a member earlier this year. He has worked with many of our Rotarians in this community over the last forty years and sees his membership in the Club as a way to 'pay it forward'.  He was also happy about attending a Middle Eastern dinner at the Wirth residence recently.



Tim Pettit turned 75 on October 6. Ernie Hodges also enjoyed the Middle Eastern dinner at Gary & Meg Wirth's home recently. Jim Nolan took the Recognition reins today and fined himself $20 for missing his last Recognition assignment.



George Burger (and Don Huff III) is looking forward to duck hunting season. Les Engelmann enjoyed a recent dinner at the home of Gary 'Abdul' Wirth. Mark Ullrich enjoys the SF 49ers' winning ways.



 Karl Diekman was in Geneva, Switzerland last week working on a Rotary Committee with the World Health Organization and others to expand the benefits of cervical cancer screening to more people around the world. Clancy Duppong was happy Sacramento State football was a top ranked team. Lacey Hilliard rang the bell for being 'just happy'.



 Ken Nordren enjoyed a vacation at his Kauai condo recently. Gary Wirth described the the menu at the Middle Eastern dinner he and wife Meg prepared recently at their home. Jim Taylor had no answer for a Recognition question.



President-elect Tabb Randolph announced the Club's 2020 Dinner Auction will be held on Saturday, February 29 at the California Ag History Museum. Tabb was also happy about a recent family vacation he took to Nashville TN. With the pot at $540 John Ketelsen managed to draw a free lunch.



Lisa Martinez and Mark Ullrich introduced their guest, attorney Wendy Casa-Raviotta. Visiting Rotarian, and husband of our guest speaker, Jim Engstrom (West Sacramento) introduced his mother, Enis 'Noni' Engstrom. Ernie Hodges introduced his wife Kay. Our guest speaker, Marsha Engstrom introduced her guest Carlene Lucas. Not pictured, Gary Wirth introduced his wife Meg.



October 8th Meeting



 Johanna Keys, Recycling Coordinator with Waste Management Woodland, was our guest speaker today. Thanks to Lori Ross for arranging and introducing Johanne.



Ernie Hodges, sponsored by Roger Kohlmeier, was inducted by President Tony Delevati as new member of the Club today.



 Dan Stroski led Recognition today, asking his victims to identify the names of people when he showed their picture on the overhead screen. Lisa Martinez correctly identified Eddie Murphy. Daniel Jones paid his first fine as a new member. Barbara Sonin was recognized for her dedication to our organization and our community. Jason Smith got an early warning for his 21st wedding anniversary (Oakland) coming up on Oct 10.



Meet our New Member -

Daniel Jones


Daniel Jones of Tri Counties Bank was inducted as a new Club member of the Club on October 1, 2019. Daniel, who was sponsored by Mark Ullrich, provided us with the following bio at our request. Please take a moment soon to welcome Daniel to the Club.


Daniel grew up in Orland, CA.  He graduated from Hamilton Union High School in 2010 and went on to Oregon State University.  There he studied Agricultural Business Management and played on the OSU Basketball Team. 


Upon graduating in 2014, Daniel returned home and began working for his parents on their diversified family farms and ranches.  He also worked as an Agronomist for Syngenta in the Sunflower Production areas of the Sutter Basin and Yolo County. 


Currently, Daniel resides in Dixon at one of the family ranches and started working for Tri Counties Bank just over a year ago, training in the Loan Officer/Relationship Manager role.  He continues to manage the farms and ranches outside of banking.


His father also works for Tri Counties Bank in the Willows branch as a loan officer.  His mother works in Chico at Enloe Medical Center as the Director of Rehabilitation Services and Home Medical Physical Rehabilitation Services.  He has two Sisters; Andrea works in Orland at the Orland-Artois Water District, and Audra- she is a second-year Veterinary Student at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas.


Since Tri Counties Bank here in Woodland is the first “Corporate Member”, other team members from the bank that may attend meetings and events from time to time are: Cyndi Blickle, Connie Holland, Baron Chen, and Dean Baldwin.




October 1st Meeting


California District 3 State Senator Bill Dodd was our guest speaker today, giving us a review of legislation he has been working on. He also took questions about specific legislation.

Thanks to Nick Roncoroni for introducing today's speaker.



Daniel Jones, who works as a Loan Officer with Tri-Counties Bank, was welcomed as a new member of the Club today. He was sponsored by Mark Ullrich. This is the first corporate membership for the Club. It offers up to three of Daniel's professional colleagues to attend in his place when he cannot do so.



Endowment Board Election


Led by Mike Chandler, Club members today unanimously elected Nick Roncoroni, Tom Schwarzgruber, Ken Nordren, and Bob Nakken to a new two year term as members of the Woodland Rotary Endowment Board of Directors. As a result, the 2019-20 Woodland Rotary Endowment Board of Directors

now includes the following members:


President (Immediate Past Club President) Mike Chandler

Treasurer (Club Treasurer) Mark Ullrich


Directors (term ending 6/30/20)

Marc Faye

Tabb Randolph

Chuck Maltese


Directors (term ending 6/30/21)

Nick Roncoroni

Tom Schwarzgruber

Bob Nakken, Secretary

Ken Nordgren



Pinch hitter Gary Bunch led Recognition today. Don Huff Jr. was happy to be back at a meeting after taking a fall in his home. With days getting cooler, Scott Johnston thought he could would wear shorts to meetings until sometime in December.




Chuck Moore was happy the SF Giants' season was finally over. He enjoyed attending the last game when Manager Bruce Bochy retired. Blair Voelz was relieved his rice fields avoided much of the massive hail storm last Saturday when other fields were severly damaged. Roger Kohlmeier is encouraged by, but somewhat skeptical of the SF 49ers early season success.



Lots of visitors today. Our speaker Senator Bill Dodd, a Napa Rotarian himself, brought along his Field Representatives Lysett Marshman and Ron Turner. Visiting Rotarians Craig Stevenson (South Sacramento) and Byron MacConnell (Sunrise) also joined us today.




September 24th Meeting


Dr. Koen Van Rompay, D.V.M, PhD., Core Scientist with the California National Primate Research Center at UC Davis was our guest speaker today. Dr. Van Rompay gave us a presentation about the non-profit organization Sahaya International, based in Davis, which he founded in 1998 to help support healthcare, education, environmental and socio-economic grassroots programs in developing countries including India, Kenya, Philippines, and Vietnam. Part of Sahaya's fund raising comes from the sale of hand-made embroidered greeting cards made in India, such as the sample shown above.






Karl Diekman was in the My Rotary barrel today. Based on advise he had received from a first year law school student when in high school, Karl wanted to ‘return something to the community’ when he became a professional. After taking his first job as a Fire Chief Karl was asked to join a Rotary Club for the first time. Joining gave him a great connection to the community, and he liked doing things in the community with the club. As a retired professional he likes to travel with Rotary and continuing to work on projects.



Jennifer Ward rang the bell announcing she was happy to be back at a Club meeting following a long absence. Clyde Brooker paid for his birthday coming up on Sep 29 (1947 in Southern California), and also led Recognition; his first time! Mark Ullrich enjoyed the SF 49ers third win in a row despite making many turnovers. Tom Schwarzgruber learned that while Rotary has 1.2 million members worldwide, Lions has 1.35 million members!




David Pinto led today's Pledge of Allegiance. Lacey Hilliard had an anniversary on Sep 20, but got no early warning! Chuck Maltese was fined for not getting more work done to fix the airline industry. Don Huff III was happy about the north wind drying out his rice fields, but also happy to report that his father, Don Huff Jr., was recovering from a fall in his home this weekend. The Rotary Gracers in action. 


 Seen but not heard from much today!



Lori Ross introduced her guest Irma Caceres who had helped Lori arranged for our speaker Koen Van Rompay today. Koen is a member of the Davis Sunset Rotary Club.




September 17th Meeting


California State District 4 Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry was our guest speaker today, providing for us an overview of the work she does on behalf of her district and took questions about specific legislation. Thanks to Lori Ross for arranging and introducing this program. 





Kevin Haarberg presented our historian Steve Venables with a scrapbook of our Rotary Club's memories from the 1960s which Kevin received from the family of Past Club President Harold Douglass (1964-65). 


Lori Ross was the subject of Why Rotary today. She joined Rotary in 2015 shortly after becoming Woodland United Way's Executive Director and has appreciated the Club's support ever since. Carl Rodegerdts was anxious to pay for his birthday coming up Sep 22. Jim McGibbon led Recognition today with a series of questions about famous quotations from movies of the 1970s, 80s & 90s. Seth Wurzel was happy to make today's meeting.





 Woodland Sunrise Rotarian & President-elect Ramon Urbano visited us today, and let us know about the Sunrise Salmon BBQ coming up on Saturday, Oct 5. Scott Johnston mentioned he still needs volunteers to tend bar at this function. Contact Scott if you can help.



Lots of visitors today. Lori Ross introduced Stephanie Bray, President of United Way Capital Region. Our speaker Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry was joined by members of her staff, Saira Delgado (left) and Brooke Pritchard. Roger Kohlmeier introduced guest and prospective new member Ernie Hodges. Mark Ullrich introduced his guest Daniel Jones.



September 10th Meeting


Our own traveling Rotarian Gary Wirth was our speaker today, giving us a pictorial display of  Petra in Jordan. Established by the Nabataeans as long ago as 9000BC, Petra was a successful desert community along the trade routes of the ancient world and today is a popular tourist destination.



Lots of visitors today. Dick Hoppin introduced his wife Muffy. Tim Pettit introduced his wife Nadine. Sunrise Rotarian Charles Mack joined us. Lori Ross introduced guest Mark Creighton, Pastor of Woodland Bible Church. Gary Wirth introduced his wife Margaret (aka 'Meg') along with former Rotarian Ernie Hodges and his wife Kay.



Gary Bunch was the subject of Why Rotary today. Gary has been a Club member since 1982.

President Tony Delevati 'rang the bell' in announcing the birth of his grand daughter.



Kevin Vaziri (Aug 25) and Chuck Moore (Sep 6) paid for their recent birthdays. Jim McGibbon introduced our program speaker today. Chuck Maltese did his usual pointed Recognition today and ended by reaching new depths in spousal humor.



With the pot at $385 Meg Wirth drew a free lunch.




September 3rd Meeting


Nicole Herrera and our own Lacey Hilliard were our program speakers today. They are working on the Woodland Chamber of Commerce's 2019 Holiday Parade Task Force and gave us a look at the 55th edition planned for Saturday, December 14, 2019. They are looking for sponsors and volunteer marshalls to participate. Immediate Past President Mike Chandler was in charge of today's meeting. Thanks to Gary Wegener for introducing the program.



David Janes led Recognition with questions about Rotary, and celebrated his birthday September 5th (San Francisco). Aniek Ramsay learned that the fourth Rotary club formed was in Seattle. Dick Hoppin rang the bell for the 55th wedding anniversary he and wife Muffy celebrated September th (Menlo Park). Among the happy Rotarians today were Kevin Haarberg, Chuck Maltese, Mark Ullrich and Kris Kristensen who just returned from a group golfing tour of England. Chuck also spoke about the Paradise Oaks Youth Services Golf Tournament September 20th at Emerald Lakes GC in Elk Grove. Kevin particularly enjoyed a new drink - Vodka Pimms. Alan Flory learned Silvester Scheile was Rotary's first International President. Jane O'Meara learned the second Rotary club formed was in San Francisco.




Scott Johnston was astounded there was a drink Kevin Haarberg didn't know. Jim McGibbon was on tap for Why Rotary today. Jim said that Dick Armstrong got him into Rotary in 1988, but work didn't allow him to participate in the Club as much until he retired. Jim really likes the Club's projects.



Rotary & 2019 FFA Auction



The 2019 FFA Livestock Auction at the Yolo County Fair was another success with 180 animals being sold raising $305,000! Rotary plans, promotes and conducts the Auction. Under the leadership of Don Huff III and Chuck Moore our club is in charge of managing all financial obligations in connection with the Auction. This includes oversight of the collection and disbursement of auction proceeds with the assistance of Farm Credit West throughout the process.




August 27th Meeting



Local artist Sandy Briggs-Howell was our guest speaker today, giving us a program on her

'Trek Across Spain'.


Thank you Lori Ross for arranging and introducing this program.





Lori Ross introduced Rotarian Steve McLauglin, with United Way Capital Region. Blair Voelz introduced guest John Bill. Former West Sacramento Rotarian Ernie Hodges also joined us today.




Today was Mahlon Whittle's last day at the Club. All their belongings have been moved to their home in Hawaii. "The cat has been processed. He's going first class and I get to go with him!" Fare well Mahlon!

Roy Holmes was the subject of Why Rotary today. He joined Rotary in the mid 1960s in downtown Sacramento. The Faye brothers convinced him to come to Woodland. Though he withdrew from Rotary for several years, he later rejoined and has been a member of our Club ever since.



 Lacey Hilliard took some razzing about her height. Roger Kohlmeier helped with set-up today. President Tony paid a fine because Lisa Martinez and David Pinto did not have their badges yet (they were on his desk). Marc Faye shared stories about his time as Club President in the 1970s.




Meet our Newest Member -

Lisa Martinez



Lisa Martinez was inducted as a new member of the Club on August 6, 2019. Lisa, who was sponsored by President Tony Delevati & Mark Ullrich, provided us with the following bio at our request. Please take a moment soon to welcome Lisa to the Club.


 Lisa was born and raised in Woodland, CA. She graduated from Woodland High School in 1999 and went on to Long Beach State University and graduated in 2005 with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration/Accountancy. That same year, Lisa married her high school sweetheart, Larry Dunham. After graduating from college and getting married, Lisa began her career at a CPA firm in Los Angeles, CA and made the grueling commute from Long Beach to Los Angeles for 10 years. Lisa became a Certified Public Accountant in 2010. Lisa and Larry have had 3 children together. Cora was born and also sadly passed away in 2012, Sadie, 5 was born in 2013 and Wyatt, 3 was born in 2015. Lisa and Larry moved back to Woodland in 2014 after having their first two children to be closer to family. Lisa began working at Ullrich Delevati CPAs that same year.  Lisa serves on the board for Children’s Therapy Center and enjoys spending time with her family in her free time. 




August 20th Meeting



Woodland Sunrise Rotarians Don Sharp and Byron MacConnell, both with ReMax Realty in Woodland, were our guest speakers today. They provided an analysis and projections on the housing market in Woodland. Thank you Mahlon Whittle for introducing today's speakers.




Fine Master Scott Johnston takes his toll.





Roy Holmes rang the bell because his PET scan came back all clear! Lisa Martinez knew Jimmy Garoppolo had been injured in 2018. Ken Nordgren had a great time on a family kayaking trip. After being thanked by Don Huff III for his and Teichert's support of the FFA auction, Jason Smith was happy to participate in the auction despite making his wife spend four hours on hard bleachers.



 Jim Nolan's birthday was a couple of days after the birth of his first grandchild. Jim Taylor did not know that Jimmy Garoppolo has two Super Bowl rings. Chuck Moore was happy this year's FFA Auction was successful...and over! Peter Holmes made a good guess on Garoppolo's salary.




Rotary Beer Booth

at the Fair




  Scenes from the 2019 Rotary Beer Booth at the Yolo County Fair.?




August 13th Meeting

Our own Roy Holmes and his son, Jim Holmes were today's program speakers. They told the story of their Honor Flight to Washington DC last May. Roy's wife Mary Jo and their daughter Marjorie were also with us today.



Chuck Maltese was the subject of today's Why Rotary. Chuck first joined Rotary in Flint, Michigan.



Frank Gardner turned 95 years old last Tuesday. He was serenaded with a special version of Happy Birthday today.



Bob Nakken became a grandfather for the first time this past Sunday. Shawn Seyk 'rang the bell' for his upcoming 20th wedding anniversary with wife Brenda. Lori Ross enjoyed a special, husband-arranged, surprise trip to Santa Cruz for her birthday on July 28. Karl Diekman led Recognition today with questions about the 'summer doldrums'.




Meet our Newest Member - David Pinto

David Pinto was inducted as a new member of the Club on August 6, 2019. David, who was sponsored by Aniek Ramsay, provided us with the following bio at our request. Please take a moment soon to welcome David to the Club.


I grew up in Delhi, India and came to the United States in 1990 as a software programmer.  I completed a Bachelors degree from  St. Stephen’s College in Delhi University and an MBA from Bombay University in India.  In the US I lived and worked in 4 different states before I came to California in 1996 and made it my home.

I have lived in Davis for the past 20 years and work in Woodland as a Financial Planner with Main Street Wealth Group.   My wife Rebecca is a teacher in Vacaville and I have 3 daughters, Rachel (26) is a Political Campaigner in Las Vegas, NV, Sara (23) is a Sales Rep for a Technology firm in Seattle, Washington and Leah 19 is in second year college and lives with us in Davis.  Apart from work, I love listening to music (classic rock), biking and hiking.   Rebecca and I recently set a goal to hike at all the 60 National parks in the US and currently we are at Park number 19.




August 6th Meeting


President Tony Delevati inducted two new members to the Club today: Lisa Martinez with Ullrich Delevati CPAs (sponsored by Mark Ullrich), and David Pinto with Ameriprise Financial Services (sponsored by Aniek Ramsay). Lisa and David got the full, two page induction ceremony out of Tony!

Congratulations to both Lisa & David!



Mark Ullrich led an extended Recognition today, asking questions about the Yolo County Fair. Mahlon Whittle shared his experience about moving expenses to Hawaii. Kris Kristensen rang the bell in sharing that his eldest nephew had recently passed away from ALS. Kevin Haarberg was happy about a recent business session he led in Mexico. Lisa Martinez and David Pinto were quickly introduced to the Recognition process!



John Carminati introduced his guest today, his son Jordan Carminati. Nick Roncoroni introduced his guest, prospective new member Jess MacMillan, Construction Manager with Haas Engineering.



Jim Taylor was warned about his upcoming 65th wedding anniversary with wife Ann on August 7. IPP Mike Chandler drew a free lunch.



In the absence of our scheduled program speaker, President Tony presented some pictures of his trip to Germany in June to attend the Rotary International Convention in Hamburg.




July 30th Meeting


 Yolo County District 3 Supervisor, and former Woodland Mayor, Gary Sandy was our guest speaker today, giving us a program on the extent of the homelessness issue locally and what is being done.



President-elect Tabb Randoph was the subject of Why Rotary today.



President Tony Delevati gaveled the meeting open to a good sized crowd. Aniek Ramsay and Alan Flory kept busy at the back table.




Lots of visitors today. Aniek Ramsay introduced her guest, prospective new member David Pinto. Luna Vista Rotary's Ute Turner along with Sunrise Rotary & Assistant District Governor Duane Ewing joined us today. Mark Ullrich introduced his guest Lisa Martinez.



Kris Kristensen had the Recognition helm today and heard from many happy Rotarians. Immediate Past President Mike Chandler rang the bell for his recent cruise from New York. Blair Voelz enjoyed a fishing trip to Alaska, and Tom LaBrie reconnected with some family on a recent trip to Michigan and Minnesota.



What is Gary Bunch laughing about? George Burger drew himself a free lunch.



July 23rd Meeting


President Tony Delevati led a Club Assembly today. We voted to increase annual Club dues by $40 to a new total of $200, and reduced the missed meeting fee to $5, all beginning this year. We also discussed potential new Club fundraising projects.



It was Dan Stroski's 63rd birthday today, and his mom, Judy Stroski, was his guest.



Rotary Gracers Dan Stroski, Steve Venables, Marc Faye & Clancy Duppong got our throats loosened up.




Aniek Ramsay introduced her guest David Pinto, a prospective new member.



Steve Venables announced he has put together a yearboook of Don McNary's year as Club President in 1975-76.



 Dan Stroski was in charge of Recognition today. Splinter editor Bob Nakken knew the reason John Hancock's signature on the Declaration of Independence was so large. Kevin Haarberg, who will celebrate his 23rd wedding anniversary with Lorie on July 27, was also fined for always dressing so well and making the rest of the guys look bad. Don Huff III enjoyed a Garth Brooks concert in Boise ID.



Bob Moeller - Rest in Peace





Bob Moeller passed away June 24, 2019 at age 93, succumbing to injuries sustained in a serious vehicle accident on June 19th which took the life of his wife

Ruth Moeller


Our thoughts and prayers are with the Moeller family.


View the obituaries for:

Bob Moeller

Ruth Moeller




July 16th Meeting


 A good crowd was on hand today to hear guest speakers Peter Martin and Don Hildebrandt talk about the sport of Falconry and show off their Harris hawks. Thank you Dan Stroski for arranging and introducing this interesting program! For more information about Falconry visit: https://www.calhawkingclub.org/



Gary Wegener was the subject of today's Why Rotary. Gary had been asked to consider joining the Club by Gary Wirth, and became curious about the Club's efforts on the gazebo project at Freeman Park. Later he attended & really enjoyed the conversation at the Rotary International Convention in Rio de Janeiro.



As a member of the Steering Committee for a World Congress on Cervical Cancer Prevention to be held in 2021, Karl Diekman announced that he has learned that the University of Calgary (Canada) plans to use the Nicaragua Cervical Cancer Prevention Project our Club sponsored a few years ago as a pilot project in developing a plan, with that nation's Ministry of Health, for a Cervical Cancer Prevention program across Nicaragua. Karl says this is a very good measure of the sustainability of our Club's project.




Kevin Haarberg was today's Fine Master and raised some good revenue. John Ketelsen, Les Engelmann, Roy Holmes, George Burger and Clyder Brooker were fairly stumped with Kevin's questions on the economy and business. Peter Holmes along with Dan Stroski had anniversaries coming July 17. Marc Faye fielded one of Kevin's questions, but was also happy that some of his cousins from Norway had come to visit him. Gary Wirth enjoyed about 2 months of travel around the United States. Jim McGibbon again asked for input on our lunches, and was also happy about his son Mike's business venture into helping kids with preparing for college entrance exams (www.mathchops.com). Shawn Seyk was a happy boys soccer coach, with three players going to Boys State this year and success at a recent international tournament in Washington State. Chuck Moore was happy about a trip his son and he recently took to Milwaukee to attend a SF Giants game there.



With the pot at $455, Gary Wegener managed to draw the joker!!! Aniek Ramsay introduced her guest, prospective new Club member David Pinto, Certified Financial Planner with Ameriprise Financial Services in Woodland.



In a raffle extra, Peter Holmes and Don Huff Jr received framed prints of birds of prey

offered by our speakers today.




Rotary Beer Booth

at the Fair



Our Club needs volunteers for the Rotary Beer Booth from 8-11pm on Wednesday (Aug 14) , Friday (Aug 16) & Saturday (Aug 17) evenings.

Email Dick Hoppin

or call him at 530 662-5244 to sign up.





July 9th Meeting

Our guest speaker today was Donna Hernandez with Youthful Courage Stables in Yuba City, who gave us a program on their horseback riding services provided to children and adults with developmental disabilities. Thank you Blair Voelz for introducing our speaker.



Club Foundation Chair Tom Schwarzgruber presented Roy Holmes with a pin signifying achievement of his sixth Paul Harris Fellowship.



Don Huff Jr. was the subject of President Tony's question of Why Rotary? Don has been a member for 59 years, and his father, Don Sr., was also a member. Don did not join the Club until he stopped working as farmer and went into real estate. He served as Club President in 1980-81.



President Tony Delevati presented the proposal below to the Club today for member information and input. It has been reviewed by the Club Board of Directors and President Tony would like the Club to take a vote on the dues question sometime before the end of July 2019. A vote could affect dues for the current 2019-20 year.

Contact President Tony with your questions and thoughts.




Don Huff III took the Recognition lead today asking questions about how we spent our July 4th and our most memorable July 4th memory. His most memorable was going to the Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow. Jim McGibbon, who turned 79 on June 24, gave us an update on lunch menu alternatives from Cracchiolos and is looking for input on the items members like and don't like. Seth Wurzel had a birthday on June 25, and he and wife Katie celebrated a wedding anniversary on July 7. David Janes and his family spent July 4th at Lake Tahoe.



 Gary Wegener and Joanie Tauzer will celebrate their wedding anniversary on July 10. Nick Roncoroni enjoyed a two week trip to Maine recently, and spent July 4th at Mt. Lassen. Scott Johnston had a little trouble controlling his phone today.



 Mark Ullrich had two guests today. One was prospective new member Lisa Martinez, Accountant with Ullrich Delevati CPAs. The other was Justin Lindsay with Culinary Farms.




July 2nd Meeting -

Welcome President Tony


President Tony Delevati was first ushered into the room with a 'Clean Sweep', then Club Historian Steve Venables led the 'Ceremony of the Corn', and, finally, Club members came up to greet Tony and present their 'penny tithing' to wish him a successful year. Tony then began his year as President of the Rotary Club of Woodland for 2019-20. Tony displayed his President's banner highlighting the Rotary International President's theme 'Rotary Connects the World'.



Guests today included Margie Delevati, Tony's wife, introduced by Mark Ullrich. Also, West Sacramento Rotarian Jim Engstrom visited today along with his nephew, Jake Engstrom.



With the pot at $404, Barbara Sonin managed to draw a free lunch. Jim Nolan took today's lead of Recognition and asked a series of questions about Independence Day.