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Rotary Theme 2024-25

Stephanie Urchick, 2024-25 Rotary International President
Daniel Geraldi, 2024-25 Governor,
Rotary District 5160
VIEW VIDEO HERE DG Welcome letter

George Berrettoni was a 41-year member of the Rotary Club of Woodland, serving as Club President in the 1997-98 Rotary Year. George was actively involved in the Club and with the Boy Scouts of America as well as being a regular donor of blood. After George passed in 2018 the Woodland Rotary Endowment raised money to start this Memorial Scholarship in his honor.
Amount: $2,500.00
Purpose: Any Woodland CA student graduating from high school with a cumulative 3.00 grade point average or higher and who will be attending a college, university or trade school is eligible. Applicants must complete and submit an application (see link below) asking for personal information in order to determine their eligibility and need. The scholarship is targeted towards students with limited financial resources or access to grants. Preference will be given to a student attending the University of Santa Clara (George's alma mater); a person involved in the scouting program, experience as a blood donor (as George was); a finance or business major; and a demonstrated ability to overcome adversity and work hard.
2024-25 Award: Tabb Randolph recently announced that to be considered for the 2024-25 award, completed applications must be received at either the Woodland Rotary Club Post Office Box (PO Box 31 Woodland CA 95776) or via email to Tabb Randolph at tabbr001@gmail.com no later than March 15. Questions? Contact Tabb at 530 304-6652.
February 11th Meeting

President Bob Nakken welcomed Ryan Burger as the newest member of the Club today. Ryan was sponsored by his father, Jeff Burger. We now have three generations of Burgers as Club members - George, Jeff and Ryan. President Bob also 'recognized' Jayne Williams for having been nominated by the Daily Democrat as one of Yolo County's Heroes. (The complete article can be read at: (https://www.dailydemocrat.com/2025/02/09/jayne-williams-aims-to-prepare-yolo-countys-young-people-for-success-yolo-county-heroes-nominee/). Jayne also shared with us her students at All Leaders Must Serve (ALMS) recently enjoyed hearing from Fire Chief Eric Zane about what it takes to work in the fire service, and that Kevin Haarberg is set to speak soon with those students about working in the financial services sector. Jayne is looking for other Club members volunteer to speak to ALMS students about their professions to help these young people get ready for their futures. Contact Jayne if you can help.

Visiting Rotarians Debbie Koo (Moraga) and Brad Miller (Woodland Luna Vista) joined us today in support of the Rotary sponsored event 'An Unhoused Conversation', on the subject of homelessness, coming up Saturday, Feb 22 from 9am-Noon at Woodland Community College's new Performing Arts Theater. The event is free of charge and open to the public, however registration is requested. Jayne Williams is our Club's contact. More about this event is available in this Daily Democrat article: https://www.dailydemocrat.com/2025/02/06/rotarians-collaborate-to-learn-more-about-homelessness/

Tabb Randolph got an early warning on his 38th wedding anniversary with wife Nancy on Feb 14 (Mt Vernon WA). Les Engelmann celebrated his 79th birthday (Joliet IL) on Feb 8.

Christian Sherrill took charge of today's Recognition with a look at 'Roommates 101'. Christian had some real card sharks as roommates in college. Mark Ullrich was happy his son Brian has started working in his office and may be considering a career change. We were delighted to see, among our other guests today, the familiar face of former member Roger Dorris. Gary Wegener and wife Joanie enjoyed a performance of 'Amelie' at the Woodland Opera House this weekend, an event 'presented' by our own Kevin Haarberg and Roger Kohlmeier and their wives. Gary Bunch had a great trip to Hawaii.

Our own Eric Zane, Fire Chief of the City of Woodland, was our program speaker today giving us a look at 'WOODLAND FIRE and Response to LA Wildfires', about Woodland Fire's Strike Team that traveled to Los Angeles last month to work on the Eaton Fire. Chief Zane, who also serves as the Operational Area Coordinator for Yolo County and manages mutual aid requests made for fire personnel and apparatus from Yolo agencies, explained the resources involved, the experiences of the strike team, and the costs and challenges involved, including why water was not always available from fire hydrants. There were lots of questions asked. We thank Eric for providing this very informative program to us.
February 4th Meeting

President Bob Nakken welcomed us on a rainy winter day giving thanks the numerous members who keep the Club operating. We were joined once again by visiting Woodland Sunrise Rotarians Byron MacConnell and Don Sharp. Jeff Burger introduced his guest, son, Ryan Burger who is also a prospective new member. Jeff also gave us news that his father George is recovering from successful surgery this morning.

Jim Nolan, sporting a special tee-shirt about his topic, took on Recognition today with questions about Black History Month. Peter Holmes got an early warning on his 41st wedding anniversary with wife Christine (married in San Diego) coming up Feb 11. Don Huff III 'rang the bell' announcing today's birth of his granddaughter Elliot Georgiagrace Huff in Great Falls MT (8lbs, 7oz) to parents Brandon and Annettia ('Netta') Huff . Blair Voelz got a not-so-early warning on his 53rd wedding anniversary with wife Jan (married in Sacramento) today. Blair also told us he attended the Rotary District 5160's Foundation Day Grants Training on Feb 1, enabling the Club to apply for Rotary Grants next year. Lori Ross gave us a report and shared a short video from the Club's donation of children's books to kindergarten and first grade students at Gibson School on Jan 23.

President-elect Aniek Pflager told us plans for the Club's 2025 Dinner Auction at Velocity Island Park on April 26 for moving forward. Members are encouraged to get involved by:
- registering dinner tickets already already using the QR code (EventBrite) on the event flyer; additional dinner tickets can also be purchased there
- bringing in donations for the event's silent auction
- bringing in two bottles of good quality wine ($20 or higher value) for donation to the wheelbarrell of wine to be auctioned off at the event
- consider sponsoring the event via Mark Ullrich and Roger Kohlmeier
- Grand prize raffle tickets will soon be made available for members to purchase or sell @ $100

Melissa Moreno, PhD, Ethnic Studies Faculty, Woodland Community College was our guest speaker today, giving us a presentation on 'History of the Yolo Bracero Program' which was part of a nationwide effort to address labor shortages in the agriculture and farming industries from 1942-62 , and was especially active in Yolo County and left an extensive legacy. Thank you to Program Coordinator Wendy Casas-Raviotta who arranged for and introduced our speaker today. A CBS13 report on Yolo County's efforts to honor the local Bracero Program can be viewed at: https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/yolo-county-honors-legacy-of-mexican-braceros-and-their-descendants/
Meet Our New Member -
Joe Cadelago

Joe Cadelago, sponsored by Mark Ullrich, was installed as a new member of the Club on January 7, 2025 by President Bob Nakken. At our request, Joe provided the following bio. If you haven't already done so, please take a moment to introduce yourself to Joe when you meet and welcome him to the Club.
I was born in Vallejo and grew up in Napa. I spent my entire childhood there until I was 20 after I finished my associates degree at Napa Valley Junior College. Napa was a great place to grow up in the 80’s and early 90’s, until the city removed most of the fun things for kids as it moved towards a tourist-centric destination place. My grandparents on my mother’s side met during WWII in England and relocated to Napa. My grandparents on my father’s side immigrated from Italy and relocated to San Francisco. My parents met in Napa when my father moved to Napa from SF to start his music teaching career which he had for 38 years before he retired. My mother was also a music educator and balanced that as a full-time mother to myself and my two siblings. I have an older sister that lives in Roseville, and a younger brother that lives in Seattle.
After graduating from Napa Valley Junior College, I transferred to Chico State. I chose Chico State for two primary reasons: my great uncle was one of the founders of the Chico agricultural department and always spoke fondly of the community and the school. In addition, I found Chico to be a college that was just far enough away where my parents couldn’t easily visit often, but close enough to go home to visit when needed. I also heard Chico was a great place to develop my social skills and that proved to be true.
I received my degree in Political Science and spent the first several years of my career working for various political entities. This included my first career job as the mailroom assistant to Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was elected Governor. To this day, it’s still one of my favorite jobs. I had a variety of roles in the administration, and finished after I completed my time as his political director for Northern CA. For the past 15 years I’ve been with Waste Management (WM) managing the business contracts between the company and various local jurisdictions. My primary office is in Woodland, and I also manage a team of recycling coordinators in Yolo County.
I met my wife Amanda at a party at Chico State within a few weeks of transferring there, and we’ve now been married almost 22 years. We don’t have kids of our own, but we fostered three siblings from Woodland for several months and it was a life-changing experience for us and them. We currently live in Carmichael and have two dogs, a Weimaraner (Watson) and an Aussie-doodle (Mabel). Amanda and I love to travel, and have been to Sweden, Italy, France and England in the past few years. My personal hobbies include road cycling, volunteering in the community, family time, and doing my best to enjoy life each day.
I was previously a member of the Pacific Grove Rotary Club and a Paul Harris Fellow. Tuesday lunch meetings were at Spanish Bay with ocean views. Miss those meetings but am excited to be part of the Woodland noon-club and looking forward to contributing and participating.
Rotary Gives Children's Books
to Gibson School Kids

Lori Ross reports our Club presented the kindergarten and first grade students at Gibson School with their own personal copies of children's books on January 23. The author of the books, Leticia Ordaz, along with Club President Bob Nakken, members Lori McGrath, Gary Wegener and Woodland Sunrise Rotarian Wayne Ginzburg were also on hand to make the presentation. Thank you to Kelly Timothy, Gibson School Vice Principal and Acting Principal for making the presentation possible.
News From Club Polio Warrior Mark Ullrich:
2024 is now in the books. Here’s where we stand: Officially reported WPV1 and cVDPV cases as of 31 December 2024 Wild poliovirus (WPV) · Total global WPV1 cases in 2023: 12
· Total global WPV1 cases in 2024: 92 (compared with 12 for the same period in 2023)
Variant (Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus) (cVDPV) cases · Total global cVDPV cases in 2023: 528
· Total global cVDPV cases in 2024: 252 (compared with 447 for the same period in 2023)
Looking back at the first half of our Rotary year:
Thank you to these clubs in our District that have contributed at least $1,500 to the PolioPlus Fund (December is still being processed, so this can only go up!):
Berkeley Brentwood Chico Concord Danville San Ramon Davis Fairfield-Suisun Lamorinda Sunrise Moraga Pleasant Hill Richmond Rossmoor Vacaville Walnut Creek Woodland
Woodland Sunrise
Overall, all clubs have contributed over $85,000, which is 3% higher than this time last year.
More information about Rotary's End Polio Now can be found at its website: https://www.endpolio.org/
Here you can sign up to receive the End Polio Now newsletter.
