Woodland Rotary (noon club) has agreed to host a web presence for the Beer Booth operation. Tom Richardson is the 2024 Beer Booth Chair and Gary Wegener will act as site (page?) administrator . Questions or complaints go to Gary (gwegener4098@gmail.com), kiddos go to Tom.
Here are the slots Woodland noon Rotarians are signed up for (click here). If you see any errors, let Gary know (gwegener4098@gmail.com).
Updated master slot roster (2024)
Here is the latest update on the slot signups (13 August-rev 14).
Note: false alarm on Wednesday's closing time. Turns out 10pm closing works.
Responcipal Beverage Service (RBS) certification is recommended for all Rotarians working a shift(s) at the fair. Click here for more information.. Clubs have been reimbursing the ~$18 fee if requested to do so. We are just required to have on RBS certified person whenever we are open, the RBS training is valuable.
Club representatives are requested to collect cell numbers for those that don't show one on the Master Roster. Having those available greatly simplifies coordination during the fair. Forward the numbers to Mark Richardson prior to our next Beer Booth Committee meeting.
All Rotarians in the 10 clubs, that have signed up, are invited to a kickoff gathering at 4pm Wednesday the 14th, at the beer concession. We will be going over do's and don'ts for the various positions and you will have a chance to ask questions on anything you are unclear about. "Product samples" will be available. The booth will open offically at 6pm.
Workers are encouraged to arrive early and be prepared to stay late if necessary. Lines for parking and getting through to ped gate may be long. If you can't make your assigned slot, please work through your club to find your replacement. The respective clubs have the necessary contact information.
The beer booth opens at 4pm Wed, noon on Thurs and Friday, and 11am on Sat and Sunday.
The beer booth stops selling tickets at 9:30pm Wedsday and at 11pm Thursday through Sunday.
(We continue serving 1/2 hour after we stop selling drink tickets.)