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Photos - Annual - 2017-18
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2017-18 Club President Peter Holmes found himself out of a job at the Club's Demotion held June 26 at the Hotel Woodland. But he will get over it. Here are some scenes from that event.



June 19th Meeting

- President Peter's Swan Song


President Peter Holmes presided over his last regular Club meeting as President today. Peter shared that he was born & rained in Fresno. He got his Bachelor's degree from Chico State ('Harvard of the West') in Finance and Ag business. His classification is Agri-Loan Broker. His middle name is Macleod which is a family name with roots from the 5th Premier of Prince Edward Island off the coast of New Brunswick Canada. Peter's father was the Fresno State herd manager and later went into Ag lending. His mother was a travel agent. He has a sister in Fresno and a brother in Huntington Beach. Peter has three daughters, all in the twenties.



Foundation Chair Tom Schwarzgruber presented Craig Jones and Jennifer Ward with their first Paul Harris Fellowships today. Now, 100% of Rotary Club of Woodland members have at least one Paul Harris Fellowship.



Gary Bunch took no prisoners as the Fine Master today. We learned that Mary Martin will be leaving the area and the Club soon. We will miss you Mary!



Seth Wurzel rang the bell for his 13th wedding anniversary with Katie coming up on June 25th. Nick Roncoroni enjoyed his 10th anniversary with Ellen on June 10th. Kris Kristensen rang the bell for his hole-in-one on the 15th hole at the Yolo Fliers Club on June 3rd. Clyde Brooker celebrated his 42nd anniversary with Krim on June 12th. Roger Kohlmeier was fined for sitting at the 'kids' table last week. President-nominee Tony Delevati celebrated his 59th birthday on June 14th.



Peter gave an overview of the Club's activities during the past year.



In making it clear that the Club only functions based on the work of its members, President Peter gave thanks to numerous members for their contributions during his year.



 Visiting Chico Rotarian John Rein joined us today. Lori Ross drew the ever popular free lunch.




June 12th Meeting


Pam Marrone, PhD; Founder & CEO of Marrone Bio Innovations, was our guest speaker today, providing us with an informative program on bio-based solutions for agricultural pest control.


Foundation Chair Tom Schwarzgruber presented Barbara Sonin with her first Paul Harris Fellowship today.



We got to know Aniek Ramsay a little more today. Born in Fresno and raised in Yuba City, Aniek has a middle name of Marie which has been passed down from her grandmother. Her name is of French origin, spelled in the Dutch way. Her mom worked 25 years in insurance and was a legal secretary. Her father was a rice buyer. She has three children and no grandkids...yet!



Jim Nolan led Recognition today. Bob Nakken rang the bell for his son's wedding last weekend. Don Huff Jr. rang the bell for his 92nd birthday. Mark Ullrich was happy he won his flight in a recent golf tournament thanks to Christian Sherrill's assistance.



Does President Peter look ready for his last regular meeting as President next week???



June 5th Meeting





This week we held our meeting at Boundary Bend Olives Company in Woodland. Boundary Bend is Australia's leading producer of extra virgin olive oil. Adam Englehardt, President of US Operations for Boundary Bend, gave us a tour of their first olive mill brought to the United States.




May 29th Meeting


Janet Vaughn, Executive Director of the MOSAIC Childrens Museum in Woodland

was our guest speaker today.



Our visiting Rotarians today were (top) District Governor-elect John Dwyer (Benicia) with our own PDG Karl Diekman, (below) John Rhine (Chico Noon), Wayne Ginsburg (Sunrise), and (not pictured) Bob Hulbert (Sunrise President).



Foundation Chair Tom Schwarzgruber presents Paul Harris Fellowships to Mary Martin (her first!), and President Peter Holmes (+1).



Craig Jones was happy his son, a UC Santa Barbara student, received a grant to go on an archeological dig in Greece this summer. Roy Holmes had the most pleasant experience he ever had since becoming a Rotarian while participating in Woodland Kids Read last Wednesday. Dan Stroski got a surprise visit from his former exchange student Vasmina last week. Gary Wirth was welcomed back from a nice trip to 'the Stans' (except Pakistan and Afganistan) the last 4 weeks.



We got to know Mark Edwin Ullrich a little better today. With the pot at $662 and 8 cards left, Tom LaBrie managed to get a free lunch!



Woodland Kids Read


 Over 300 first grader students from Gibson, Prarie, Freeman and Dingle Schools

attended the Woodland Kids Read program on the

Woodland Community College campus on May 23.


Organized by Woodland United Way and co-sponsored by all three Woodland Rotary clubs along with other community members and business sponsors, the event was a celebration of the students newly acquired reading skills and an encouragement for them to continue reading over the summer.  Each child took home a book of their choice with a personalized bookplate inside.


Mary Martin, Roy Holmes, Jennifer Ward, Barbara Sonin, and Gary Wegener from our Club were among many volunteers participating.




Roy Holmes was one of the volunteers reading to the kids.

He received this thank you for his efforts!





May 22nd Meeting


CA State Senator Bill Dodd (District 3) was our guest speaker today. Thank you Lori Ross for arranging and introducing this excellent program.


Foundation Chair Tom Schwarzgruber presented Paul Harris Fellowships to the following members: Nick Roncoroni (his first!), David Contto (his first!), Don Huff III (for his son), and Ken Nordgren (+1).


We got to know David Contto a little bit today. Tom LaBrie rang the bell for his 75th birthday and 53rd wedding anniversary.



George Burger 'rang the bell' for his hole-in-one at Rotary Mystery Golf last week.



Scott Johnston took the helm on today's Recognition. Frank Gardner enjoyed his trip to Florida.




Gary Oldham (Davis Rotarian) visited us today. With the pot at $623 and 9 cards left, Mike Chandler drew a free lunch.




Mystery Golf Trip


The Mystery Golf Trip traveled on May 16 to the Vintner's Golf Club in Yountville. A busload of Rotarians from the Noon, Sunrise and Luna Vista Club, along with some guests, enjoyed a great round of golf followed by lunch. Many thanks to organizers Chuck Santoni & Chuck Maltese!


And our own George Burger had a HOLE IN ONE!!!






Train Depot Joint Social Evening


On Tuesday, May 15 all three Woodland Rotary Clubs held a joint social event at the Woodland Train Depot. Sacramento Historical Railways volunteers have done significant work to bring the Depot to its original condition. All three Clubs donated funds for new handicapped accessible restrooms in the facility.





May 8th Meeting


The Woodland Rotary Endowment presented a check for $19,700 to the Woodland Healthcare Foundation today. These funds were raised in the 2018 Dinner Auction.



Michael Rooke-Ley was our guest speaker today, giving us a presentation on

'Creating Tailwinds'.



Vicky Faye (Sunrise) and Kevin Sanchez (Sunrise) were today's visiting Rotarians.  Kevin's guests from Woodland Memorial Hospital were Kendra Martin, Janene Ramirez and Celeste Santoni.



Bob Nakken celebrated 66 years on April 27, while Dick Hoppin was 78 years young on May 6. Mark Werum led Recognition today and Roy Holmes found a free lunch. ?




Senior BBQ Success!





Senior BBQ May 1st -

All Hands on Deck!



Assignment Signups

a/o April 27


Monday, April 30, 4:30pm - Kitchen Setup & Chicken Dipping


Mark Faye

Kevin Haarberg

Jennifer Ward

Chuck Moore

Gary Wegener

Don Huff III

George Burger



Tuesday, May 1, 9:00am - Morning Crew, Cooks & Setup


Carl Rodegerdts

Roger Kohlmeier

Don Huff III

Dan Stroski

Shawn Seyk

Seth Wurzel

Carla Sanborn



Tuesday, May 1, 11:15am - Servers


Clyde Brooker  Dick Hoppin
Pat Imbach Mark Ullrich  
Gary Bunch Kris Kristensen
Frank Gardner Steve Venables
Bob Moeller Jim Taylor
Mahlon Whittle Nick Roncoroni
Craig Jones Jim Nolan
Barbara Sonin David Janes
Bob Nakken Tabb Randolph
Tom Schwarzgruber   Mary Martin
Alan Flory Laurie Ruiz
Peter Holmes Janet Martinez (St Johns)



Tuesday, May 1, 12:15pm - Clean up


Mike Chandler

Christian Sherrill

Lori Ross

Mark Werum

Clancy Duppong

Alan Flory



Contact Aniek Ramsay

for more information.



April 24th Meeting


Colin Anderson, Assistant Director & Lead Attorney, Yolo County Department of Child Support, was our guest speaker today, giving us an overview of his organization. PDG Karl Diekman introduced our speaker.


Genevieve Virden, Recruitment and Retention Coordinator at Yolo CASA, was Lori Ross' guest today. We got to know Kevin Vaziri a little more today. Kevin was born in Tehran, Iran, and grew up in Chicago with his uncle. 



Fresh from the end of tax season, sixty five year old Gary Bunch led Recognition today. With the pot at $560 and only 11 cards remaining Barbara Sonin drew a free lunch.





Beer Booth Patio


The project to create a brick patio at the Rotary Park Beer Booth site is progressing. Rotarians from the Yolo County Rotary Beer Booth Committee are doing the work. Our own Dick Hoppin is our representative.




April 17th Meeting



 UC Cooperative Extension Farm Advisor Rachael Long was our guest speaker today, giving us a comprehensive presentation on agricultural production in Yolo County. Many thanks to Christian Sherrill for arranging and introducing this interesting program!



Sunrise Rotarian John Martin, looking relieved at the end of tax season, joined us today. Mike Chandler just keeps drawing free lunches! David Janes was today's Fine Master, asking questions about taxes. Dick Hoppin wants some members to join him April 19 to lay brick at Rotary Park (see announcement on tab at right).



We got to know Chuck 'Iggy' Maltese a little bit more today. He also said if you want to participate in the Rotary Mystery Golf trip on May 16 you better sign up quickly. Contact Chuck to do so.




UC Davis Rotaracters Rebecca and Sorrayar visited us today to let us know about their

'Baby Big Night' event on May 5.



April 10th Meeting


Foundation Chair Tom Schwarzgruber, along with President Peter Holmes, presented Paul Harris Fellowship pins to Chuck Moore (+4) and Laurie Ruiz (her first!) today. Paul Harris Fellowships are recognition of personal contribution milestones made to the Rotary Foundation.




City of Woodland Mayor Pro Tempore Xóchitl Rodriguez was our guest speaker today, 

providing us an overview of City projects and issues as well as taking questions.

See the Daily Democrat's article on this presentation.




Lori Ross introduced her guest Rocio Saldana.



 Nick Roncoroni found out how difficult it is to win the freeloader prize. We learned a little more about Ken Nordren today. Dick Hoppin asked for volunteers to lay bricks at the Rotary Beer Booth on April 19th (see story on tab at right). And PDG Karl Diekman led Recognition today and tested our knowledge of the Internet.




April 3rd Meeting


President Peter Holmes leads a well attended meeting.

He is on his final three months as Club President.



Foundation Chair Tom Schwarzgruber presented Paul Harris Fellowship pins to

Mark Ullrich (+4) and Don Huff III (+5).




Aniek Ramsay told us to sign up for the assignments we want at the

May 1st Senior BBQ.


Tom Lopez was a guest of Steve Venables today. We got to know today's Splinter writer Bob Nakken a little bit more. Chuck Maltese announced that signups are being taken for the May 16th Mystery Golf Trip. Ken Nordgren led Recognition today with questions about IRAs.




James Glica-Hernandez, Executive Director for the Yolo County Historical Museum - Gibson House was our guest speaker today. He told us about changes being considered for the Gibson House.  




Senior BBQ May 1st -

All Hands on Deck!



Assignment Signups Currently Being Taken

at Club Meetings


Contact Aniek Ramsay

for more information.





Mystery Golf Trip - Sign Up Now!




Contact Chuck Maltese to sign-up

or for more information.




District Spring Assemblies


Saturday, April 7, 2018


Angelo Rodriguez High School  

5000 Red Top Road, Fairfield CA



 Learn more about Rotary





Assembly also offered on April 14 (Redding). For more information/registration go to: http://www.rotary5160.org/calendar/events-calendar/; 

Or use the link provided in the March 29, 2018 email sent to every Club member

by Trainer Bev Stupek.




March 27th Meeting



Woodland Joint Unified School District Superintendent Tom Pritchard was today's guest speaker, giving us an update on Woodland public schools. Thank you Lori Ross for arranging this interesting program.



 West Sacramento Rotarian Babs Sandeen (top right) visited us today with her guest Meg Stallard, President of the Yolo Community Foundation. Tom Schwarzgruber rang the bell for the 25th anniversary of his March 13th marriage to Gail which was celebrated with Mahlon & Jan Whittle in Kona, Hawaii. And we got to know Roger Kohlmeier a bit more today.



Dr. Jim McGibbon took the lead on Recognition today. President-elect Mike Chandler won yet another free lunch in today's freeloader raffle. And Sunrise Rotarian John Martin visited us today.


March 20th Meeting





 Steve Beckley (left), Communications Consultant for Reclamation District 108, and Jim Morris, Communications Manager with the Calfornia Rice Commission, were our guest speakers today, giving us a program on 'From Sushi to the Pacific Flyway, the Surprising Benefits of California Rice'.




President-elect Mike Chandler reported the 2018 Dinner Auction generated $19,700 for the purchase of a Cheetah Monitor at Woodland Healthcare PLUS $18,262 in net proceeds for the Woodland Endowment. He thanked all Club members for their help in making this possible.



It's not every day one sees Gary Wirth with his wallet open, but having returned from a long absence he had to pay for his January 6th birthday (Woodland; 1939) and his February 7th anniversary to Meg (2015; Antartica); Kevin Haarberg shared his father passed away last week; and Marc Faye was happy to see his wife's cousin Steve Beckley today.



Don Huff Jr drew himself a free lunch; Gary Wegener was happy he celebrated his 70th birthday at the Club's Social Evening at Father Paddy's on March 6, and he announced the Woodland Endowment Board will be meeting 5:30pm Tuesday, March 27 at Steve's Pizza; Sunrise Rotarian Eric Faye joined us today; and Chuck Maltese said the 2018 Rotary Mystery Golf Trip will take place Wednesday, May 16.




Rotary at Arbor Day


President Peter Holmes along with Mary Martin, Laurie & Enrique Ruiz, and Craig Jones joined other local Rotarians in planting trees during the Woodland Tree Foundation's March 10 Arbor Day project.



District Spring Assemblies


Saturday, March 24, 2018

Butte College Chico Center

2320 Forest Ave, Chico CA



 Learn more about Rotary


Assemblies also offered on April 7 (Fairfield) and April 14 (Redding). For more information/registration go to: http://www.rotary5160.org/calendar/events-calendar/; 

or use the link provided in the Mar 16 2018 email sent to every Club member by Trainer Bev Stupek. Last day to signup for the Chico Assembly is Mar 19.




March 13th Meeting


Our own Dillon Dougherty was today's program speaker, sharing with his 'Golf Story'.



Sunrise Rotarian Phil Marler joined us today. George Burger celebrated his Feb 14 anniversary with Janet (South Lake Tahoe) in 1983 (or was it 1984???). Mary Martin celebrated her 29th anniversary with Perry (Livermore). Nick Roncoroni, fresh from a family outing to Disneyland, was delighted to draw a free lunch in today's raffle.




WCC Founders Day Recognition



The Rotary of Club of Woodland was honored by the

Woodland Community College Foundation

 at it's 2018 Founder's Day dinner for its assistance to the College

Pictured with President Peter Holmes were other honorees of the WCC Foundation: (from the left) Duane Chamberlain, Jan & David Althausen Jr. who accepted for the late David Althausen Sr.,

Kay Gasson, Don Tingley, and Francisco Rodriguez.

(We wish to thank the Daily Democrat for allowing us to display this picture.)


For more about this award view the 3/6/18 Daily Democrat article 



Social Evening - Father Paddy's

Tuesday, March 6


The Club will hold a social evening at Father Paddy’s (435 Main Street; corner of College & Main Streets) on Tuesday, March 6, from 5-7pm for members and their guests. Beverages can be purchased (no host); the Club will pay for appetizers. This is an informal chance to get to know your fellow members better. Spouses and guests are encouraged to attend. Contact John Lecky for further information.







February 26th Meeting


Our very own Seth Wurzel gave us a program today on 'Major Ruban Flood Control Projects'. Seth's firm, Larsen & Wurzel & Associates, perform a variety of project management services for numerous public agencies in Northern & Central California. His good friend Christian Sherrill introduced Seth today.





President-elect Mike Chandler was congratulated for the Club's successful Dinner Auction this past Saturday which he organized. Mike received some liquid refreshments for his efforts from President Peter, who knew he could use them. Though a final tally isn't yet complete, Mike estimated we grossed over $60,000 for the event. Congratulations Mike!



Laurie Ruiz was serenaded for her birthday today (Fresno). Roy Holmes was thanked for all his years of service on the Club's Sergeant-at-Arms Committee. Seth Wurzel earned a free lunch while at the head table. David Janes extracted a few dollars from some with questions about the Winter Olympics during Recognition.



Scenes from 2018 Dinner Auction












February 20th Meeting


Sylvina Frausto (center) and Teresa Pena were our guest speakers today, giving us a presentation on 'Community Alliance for Education'. Ms Frausto is the winner of the 2017 Liberty Bell Award presented by the Yolo County Bar Association. Thank you Lori Ross for arranging & introducing this important program.



Many thanks to Laurie Ruiz for all the great pictures she takes for the Club!



We enjoyed seeing Asst DG Chris Jones (Winters) and her husband Roy at today's meeting. It was also great to have former member Riggo Torres with us today. Do you think President Peter Holmes enjoys his job? Frank Gardner got us straightened out on something.



Kevin 'Good News' Haarberg led the way on Recognition today.



Got the sad news that Roger Dorris will be moving to Rocklin soon.



Lunch Price Increase


Beginning in March 2018, the price of a lunch at Club meetings will raise to $18. Triggered by a cost increase from our caterer, Cracchiolos, the Club discussed and voted to approve the increase at the Club’s February 20, 2018 meeting.




February 13th Meeting


Dr. Joseph Sky, MD, Chief of Cardiology at the US Air Force Schoold of Aerospace Medicine, was our guest speaker today giving us a fascinating presentation on 'Enhancing Western Medicine's Care of the Heart with Wisdom from the Blue Zones'. Thanks to Brian Lin for arranging and introducing this interesting program.


Jim Nolan was presented with his Paul Harris Fellowship pin (+3); Les Engelmann celebrated a birthday recently; Scott Johnston found a free lunch; and we got a little insight on Carl Rodegerdts




A happy Chuck Maltese took the Recognition helm today. Sunrise Rotarians Charles Mack and Nick Ponticello visited us once again today.




February 6th Meeting


Dave Grundler (center), Yolo District Chairman, Golden Empire Council of the Boy Scouts of America, was our guest speaker today.


With just 18 days remaining before our Dinner Auction President-elect Mike Chandler was keeping us focused on the work that needs to make this event successful.



 Greenhaven Rotarian Tony Renteria visited us today. Don McNary celebrated a birthday on January 17th, and Clyde Brooker drew a free lunch.




January 30th Meeting



Christi Skibbins, Executive Director of Meals on Wheels, was our guest speaker today.




Foundation Chair Tom Schwarzgruber presented Paul Harris Fellowships to Shawn Seyk (his first!), George Burger (+6), and Gary Wegener (+4) today.



Mary Martin is looking for hay bales, saddles and horseshoe sculptures made by Past President Bob Seeney as decorations for the Dinner Auction. We got to know Christian Sherrill a bit today. Scott Johnston led Recognition.



Aslo joining us today were guest Tim Eng with Meals on Wheels and Sunrise Rotarian John Smythe. John also won a free lunch in today's raffle.




January 23rd Meeting


Craig Jones, Director of Outreach and Philantropy for St. Johns, was installed as our Club's newest member by President Peter Holmes today.



Foundation Chair Tom Schwarzgruber presented Paul Harris Fellowship pins today to Mike Chandler (+6), Tom LaBrie (+3) and Dick Hoppin (his first) in recognition of their contributions to the Rotary Foundation.



Bill Shea was our guest speaker today and gave us a 'California and U.S. Aviation Update' presentation. Jim McGibbon introduced our speaker.



Sunrise Rotarians Charles Mack and Rick Sakai visited us today.



Mark Werum ponders the arrival of a free lunch.




January 16th Meeting



Brent Cardall, Yolo County Chief Probation Officer, was guest speaker today. Brent was introduced by PDG Karl Diekman.





Congratulations to Jane O'Meara who received her first Paul Harris award today!





Foundation Chair Tom Schwarzgruber presented Paul Harris awards to Clancy Duppong(+2) and Kris Kristensen(+3) today. Scott Johnston is quick on the draw!





We were joined today by visiting Sunrise Rotarians Nick Ponticello and Brad Miller, 


and Gary Wegener's guest Craig Jones.




January 9th Meeting



Rich Wolfe, US Revolver Team Gold Medalist at the 2017 Surefire World Multigun Championships was our guest speaker today.




 Sunrise Rotarian Vicky Faye visited today. Mike Chandler set the tone for the Feb 24 Dinner Auction. And Roger Kohlmeier sure knows how to pick 'em!




December 19th Meeting


Holiday Program

Douglas Middle School Choir & Jazz Band



The Club enjoyed great holiday music performances today by the Douglass Middle School Jazz Band and Choir under the direction of Luiz Coehlo, WJUSD Music Director, accompanied by pianist Lori Jarvey.



Club Officers

(for positions effective July 1, 2018)


President-elect   Tony Delevati

(will serve as President 2019-20)

Treasurer: Mark Ullrich

Secretary: Alan Flory

Board of Directors:

(2 year terms; July 2018-June 2020)

Dillon Dougherty

John Leckey

Jennifer Ward




Anniversary & Birthday Announcements Today



















Dark Oct 17th (3 club social with DG) and

24th...Evening Social, Morgan's On Main (Back Patio) 5:00-7:00 pm.
















Food Bank Expansion Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 
























July 11th, First Meeting of the new year....Sweeping in President Peter Holmes




 Welcome new member Helen Zuniga


17: No Regular Club Meeting- Joint meeting with the Woodland Clubs for the District Governor Gary Vilhauer official club visit. 





Making a difference in the lives of people

in our community and around the world.

Thank you for visiting the Rotary Club of Woodland website, chartered in 1926.


Join us and the over 1.2 million Rotarians worldwide in helping to improve our communities.  Our club members contribute time to improve Woodland in many ways including holding an annual Senior Citizens BBQ, volunteering for Meals on Wheels, helping with the annual FFA auction, mentoring the Woodland High School Interact Club, sponsoring young leaders to the Camp Royal Leadership Camp and the Camp Venture Entrepreneurship Camp, and contributing to the Woodland KIDS Read program.   Every year we contribute to a major capital project.  Recent projects have included the Woodland Community College electronic bulletin board, a specialized playground at Greengate School, the new Yolo Food Bank facility.  We just recently donated $20,000 to Woodland Healthcare for the purchase of a "Cheetah", a diagnostic tool that will be used for sepsis patients.

On the international side, we have participated in projects ranging from water wells, to dental clinics, to cervical cancer screening.    


We meet every Tuesday from 12:00-1:15 for lunch, a brief business meeting, and an informative program. We also have various social events throughout the year. We strive for a diverse membership that includes leaders in all facets of the community, a great group to know and learn from.  If you are looking to meet new friends, learn something interesting every week, and are searching for a way to give back, please contact us


 Peter Holmes

      President  2017-2018?