2: Scheduled speaker unable to attend.
March 2021
Water and Sanitation Month
2: Dr. Bruce McGibbon, Yale Assistant Professor of Radiation Therapy
"Advances in Radiation Therapy"

9: Thomas Pritchard, School Superintendent, Woodland Joint Unified School District; "Re-opening Update and Impacts of COVID-19"
Daily Democrat- Woodland Schools Plan to Re-Open

16: Stephanie Bray, CEO/President, United Way California Capital Region
"United Way's Investment in Woodland and the Five County Region"
United Way announces first wave of community funding – Daily Democrat

23: Angelina Crans Yoon, MD, FACAAI, Allergy/Immunology, Woodland Clinic Medical Group, "Update on COVID-19 Vaccinations"

30: Kari Stout-Smith, General Manager, Cache Creek Casino Resort

April 2021
Maternal and Child Health Month
6: Lisa Baker, Author, "Implicit Bias - What It Is and Why It Matters"

13: Patricia Cochran Mergman, CPA & CGM
"Rotary’s Polio Plus Program"

20: Jayne Williams, Executive Director, All Leaders Must Serve;
"My Road to ALMS" https://www.allleadersmustserve.org/newpage

27: Lars Anderson, Board Member, Tuleyome, and Larry Greene, Davis Sunrise Rotary; 'Woodland Regional Park'; http://www.tuleyome.org/projects/sciencecenter/

May 2021
Youth Service Month
4: First IN PERSON Meeting! Club Business
11: Angel Barajas, Yolo County Supervisor, District 5; https://www.yolocounty.org/government/board-of-supervisors/district-5-angel-barajas

18: Gary Wirth, "The Bauhas School and the Nazis“
Bauhaus - Wikipedia

25: Craig Locke, Director of Public Works, City of Woodland; "How the City of Woodland prepares for drought and ensures we have plenty of water when we need it."; https://www.cityofwoodland.org/691/Water

June 2021
Rotary Fellowship Month
1: Derrek Kaff, Police Chief, City of Woodland
“Crime, Trends and Policing Woodland in 2021”; https://www.cityofwoodland.org/394/Woodland-Police-Department

8: Woody Fridae, Assistant DG, Rotary District 5160, & Rebecca Fridae, 'Romania during the 1989 Revolution'; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanian_Revolution
15: Tico Zendejas, Ed.D; Executive Director, R.I.S.E., Inc. ; "Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Program - offering youth employment opportunities for ages 16-24"; https://www.linkedin.com/in/tico-zendejas-ed-d-a72a6330

22: We are DARK today- For the Demotion!
29: President Tabb Randolph's Year-End Wrap Up!

July 2021
Rotary International Making A Difference Year Begins
6: We will be dark for the extended July 4th weekend
13: President Dan Stroski's Installation

20: Sam and Trista Kennedy, City of Woodland
"Special Needs Alert Program"
SNAP | Woodland, CA (cityofwoodland.org)

27: Michelle Vermette, Juvenile Services Supervisor, Yolo County Probation Department, 'Juvenile Probation Services'; https://www.yolocounty.org/government/general-government-departments/law-justice/probation?; https://www.yolocounty.org/government/general-government-departments/law-justice/probation/juvenile-services

August 2021
Membership and New Club Development Month
3: Shawn Seyk, Woodland Rotary Scholarship Program

10: Bob Jehn and Kylee Mebust, Rotary District 5160 Youth Exchange Program

17: Ismael Hernandez, Woodland High School teacher, "Student Engagement"

24: Steve Venables, Rotarian and Local Author; "Woodland and Its Colorful Characters"

31: Jonathan Raven, Chief Deputy, Yolo County District Attorney's Office
Home - Yolo Commons (measuresforjustice.org)

September 2021
Basic Education and Literacy Month
7: Diane 'Dee' Scott, Honor Flight Network; https://www.honorflight.org/

14: (No Club Lunch Meeting) Evening BBQ at Schwarzgruber backyard -
K-9 Officer Dave Shepard, Woodland Police Officer, and his partner 'Chase' will provide a demonstration; https://www.cityofwoodland.org/410/Specialty-Assignments

21: Kathy Suvia, District 5160 Governor;

28: Kris Calvin, Local Author
ALL THAT FALL: An Emma Lawson Thriller, Book 1 by Kris Calvin

October 2021
Economic and Community Development Month
5: Jamaica Lambie "UberMan 2021"
The World's Most Challenging Ultra-Marathon
12: Patrick Blacklock, Exec Director, Rural Counties Representatives of CA
Rural Counties | RCRC is a thirty-seven member county strong service organization advocating on behalf of California’s rural counties. (rcrcnet.org)

19: Humberto Izquierdo, Yolo County Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer of Weights & Measures; Yolo County Appoints New Agricultural Commissioner | County Press Releases | Yolo County

26: Jessica Fern "Living with Einstein-Adult ADHD"

November 2021
Rotary Foundation Month
2: Gary Sandy, Yolo County Supervisor; District 3; "American Rescue Plan"
American Rescue Plan | Yolo County

9: Dark (Hotel has another event)
16: Robert Beggs, "Climate Change-Science, Solution, Current Happenings"
Conservatives on Climate Change | Citizens' Climate Lobby (citizensclimatelobby.org)

23: Derrek Kaff, Chief, Woodland Police Department
"Law Enforcement's Use of Drones for Safety, Not Surveillance"

30: Dark- No meeting this Tuesday.
Instead, we'll have the Rotary Christmas Meeting at 4pm Friday, Dec 3rd at the Woodland Hotel. See details in Announcement column on front page.
December 2021
Disease Prevention and Treatment Month
7: Karl Diekman, PDG & Fellow Rotarian,
"Kenya WASH Project Completion Ceremony: October 13, 2021"

14: Skip Davies & Jim Hilliard, "City of Woodland Girls Softball Park"

21: Dark for holidays
28: Dark for holidays