January 2019
Vocational Service Month
1: Dark for New Year's Day
8: Bob Deering, PDG, Rotary District 5180, Human Trafficking Prevention
15: Derek Macias & Kayla Kidwell, Developmental Disabilities: Living Independently
22: Judge Steven Basha, Yolo Superior Court, Retired
'Dependency, Delinquency and the Community'
29: Tony Delevati, Club President-elect; 'Woodland Rotary Endowment Update'
February 2019
Peace & Conflict Resolution Month
5: Ken Hiatt, Assistant City Manager/Community & Economic Development Director, City of Woodland; 'Woodland: 2019 Development Update'; https://www.cityofwoodland.org/197/Community-Development
12: Kevin Haarberg, 'Trip to Tanzania'
19: Lacey Hilliard, F.I.R.E. (FIRST IN, FIRE RELIEF for EVACUEES); http://www.firstinrelief.com/
26: Kara Hunter, Executive Director, Yolo Conflict Resolution Center
March 2019
Water and Sanitation Month
5: Gary Strong, President & CEO, American Red Cross of the Gold Country; https://www.redcross.org/local/california/gold-country/about-us/leadership.html
12: Cass Sylvia, 'Project Amigo' and Tequila 101;
19: Patrick Blacklock, County Administrator, Yolo County; https://www.yolocounty.org/general-government/general-government-departments/county-administrator
26: Mini Garcia, Community Relations Coordinator, Woodland Police Department; http://www.cityofwoodland.org/398/Community-Relations-Bureau
April 2019
Maternal and Child Health Month
2: Gary Wirth, 'Traveling Rotarian - Antartica, the 7th & Final Continent'
9: Meeting at the Woodland Public Library - "Tour of the Square One Maker Space"; https://woodlandpubliclibrary.com/
16: Lisa Baker, CEO, Yolo County Housing Authority; http://www.ych.ca.gov/
23: DARK for Easter Week
30: Nancy Ullrey, Executive Director, Cache Creek Conservancy; https://cachecreekconservancy.org/
May 2019
Youth Service Month
7: Senior BBQ
14: Son Trinh
Son Trinh and his mother escaped Communist Vietnam in a boat in 1985. After arriving in America, he joined in the US Marine Corps and, fast forward, is now the Postmaster in Woodland. Come hear first hand a story you normally only get to read about.
21: Kristi Abbott, LCSW, Clinical Supervisor, Yolo County Health & Human Services Agency & Jonathan Raven, Chief Deputy, Yolo County District Attorney's Office; Yolo County Mental Health & Addiction Intervention Court; https://yoloda.org/progressive-programs/mental-health-court/
28: David Tyson Perry, Tough Mudder Athlete; https://obstacleracingmedia.com/podcast/superman-david-tyson-perry
June 2019
Rotary Fellowship Month
4: Dinner Meeting at Schwarzgruber home, 938 Jordan Circle; 6-8pm
Wendi Locatelli, Sepsis Survivor; https://www.sepsis.org/faces/wendi-locatelli/
11: Jim Hilliard & Brad Miller, 'Adequate Insurance Coverage in the Age of Wildfires'.
18: Becky Ramirez, Fire Chief, City of Woodland; https://www.cityofwoodland.org/192/Woodland-Fire-Department
25: Demotion (6pm; Hotel Woodland)
July 2019
Rotary International Making A Difference Year Begins
2: Installation of 2019-20 President Tony Delevati -
What does Tony have in store for us???
9: Donna Hernandez, Therapeutic Horseback Riding
16: Pete Martin, Falconry
23: Club Assembly
30: Gary Sandy, Yolo County Supervisor, District 3;
August 2019
Membership and New Club Development Month
6: President Tony Delevati, 2019 Rotary International Convention Hamburg, Germany
13: Roy Holmes, "Honor Flight"
20:Don Sharp, Broker Associate, RE/MAX Gold;
"Woodland Real Estate Update" https://www.remax.com/realestateagentoffice/woodland-ca-95695-donaldsharp-id11158533.html
27: Sandy Briggs-Howell, 'Trek across Spain'; https://www.dailydemocrat.com/2018/10/14/walking-tour-of-france-and-spain-featured-in-artists-work/
September 2019
Basic Education and Literacy Month
3: Lacey Hilliard, 'Woodland Chamber of Commerce 2019 Holiday Parade';
10:Gary Wirth, 'Traveling Rotarian - PETRA'; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petra
17: Cecilia Aguilar-Curry, California Assemblymember, District 4; https://a04.asmdc.org/
24: Koen Van Rompay, D.V.M., Ph.D, California National Primate Research Center; 'Sahaya International' http://sahaya.org/
October 2019
Economic and Community Development Month
1: Bill Dodd, California State Senator, District 3; https://sd03.senate.ca.gov/
8: Johanna Keys, Recycling Coordinator, Waste Management
15: Marsha Engstrom "Ties to Tattoos: 5 Keys to Communicating with 5 Generations"
22: District 5160 Governor Tina Akins, 2019-20; https://rotary5160.org/
29: Xochtil Rodriguez, Mayor, City of Woodland; http://www.cityofwoodland.org/663/Xochitl-Rodriguez
November 2019
Rotary Foundation Month
5: John Waterman, Paradise Rotarian and Evacuee and
Keith Rode, Veterinarian in Paradise: "Paradise Camp Fire- One Year Later"
12: Bart Vanucci, Executive Director, Yolo County Fair
19: Lucia Oliverio, The Nutritionist's Basket "Healthy for the Holidays"
26: We Are Dark for the Thanksgiving Holiday
December 2019
Disease Prevention and Treatment Month
3: Art Pimentel, President, Woodland Community College
10: Jennifer Gross, Coach, UC Davis Women's Basketball
17: Christmas Lunch Meeting Program
24: We Are Dark for the Christmas Holiday
31: We Are Dark for the New Years Holiday