January 2016
5: Lori Perez, Regional Career Pathways Trust Grant, administered by the Yolo County Office of Education. Developing Career Skills and Confidence in Middle and High School Students.
12: George R. Mangun, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Psychology & Neurology, Dean of Social Sciences, UC Davis; "Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind" http://mindbrain.ucdavis.edu/
19: Steve Baird, State of Jefferson. Learn about the rural Northern California Counties effort to become the 51st state.
26: Daniel T. O'Brien, Bent Props Program. Searching and Locating the Remains of Soldiers Missing In Action. http://www.bentprop.org/
February 2016
2: Tony Delevati, our Club Treasurer, will give us a report on our Club Finances and our Rotary Endowment Finances.
9: Ting Ting Lee, Crisis Line Program Director, will share the good work of Suicide Prevention of Yolo County. http://www.suicidepreventionyolocounty.org/
16: Jeremy Patin, who recently presented a program on Sustainability at Nugget Market Inc., will now share his extraordinary experience on a bicycle team that completed the Race Across America.
23: Michael Barrington, Past President Concord Rotary Club, will share with us his memoir of ten years in Africa as a former Catholic missionary priest. He is the author of "The Bishop Wears No Drawers."
March 2016
1: Mark Kropp, Rotary's Participation in Establishing a Clinic and Orphanage in the Amazon.
8: Vanessa DeGand & Tico Zendejas, RISE, Inc., Rural Innovations in Social Economics, Incorporated; Serving the Rural Community to Enhance the Quality of Life and Opportunity for Self-Sufficiency.
15: Phil Hogan, President; Kevin Cowan, Past President; and Kristy Wright,Chief Executive Officer, Woodland Chamber of Commerce: Taking It to the Next Level, Current Issues, Including New Economic Index.
22: Kevin Clark, Enforcement Officer, Yolo County District Attorney's Office, White Collar Crime and Fraud Prevention.
29: Patrick Blacklock, Yolo County Administrator, State of the County.http://www.yolocounty.org/general-government/general-government-departments/county-administrator
April 2016
5: Mary Kimball, Center for Land Based Learning, "New Approaches to Growing the Next Generation of Farmers."http://landbasedlearning.org
12: John Selep, Advisory Board Chair, Ag Start. Renowned Food & Ag Tech Business Incubator Program. Change Agriculture, Change the World.
19: Mark Mezger and Doug Reed; A Better Way for Schools in Yolo County; this is a grass-roots, non-profit organization formed to encourage local school districts to adopt policies, best management practices, and school bond language that says 'no' to waste. The Better Way approach outlines a path to maximize the use of each taxdollar entrusted to school districts for the improvement of schools and helps build community trust and support in the school districts. http://www.betterwayforschools.org/
26: 90th Anniversary of the Charter of Woodland Rotary, 1926 - 2016; Special Dinner Meeting at The Gibson House, 512 Gibson Road, Woodland.
(No lunch meeting today).
May 2016
3: Rotary Senior Barbeque. At Rotary Park, Yolo County Fairgrounds.
"All Hands on Deck"
10: Past-District Governor, Karl Diekman, reports on Rotary's Cervical Cancer Screening Project in Nicaragua.
17: Ken Hiatt, City of Woodland Community Development Director; 'Woodland Community Development: What's Going On?'.www.cityofwoodland.org/gov/depts/cd/default.asp
24: John Leckey, board member, and Lori Ross, Chief Executive Officer, Woodland United Way; Change In Directions.
31: FIELD TRIP: David Towne, Blue Note Brewing Co., 750 Dead Cat Alley, Woodland (the old press room of the Daily Democrat bldg, across Heritage Plaza from the Woodland Opera House). David will share with us his art of brewing specialty beer. http://www.bluenotebrewingcompany.com/
June 2016
7: Steven J. Luck, Ph.D. director of the UC Davis Center for MIND and BRAIN. Program Topic To Be Determined.
14: Offsite Meeting at Velocity Island Park (details on our website homepage).
21: President, Kris Kristensen, Woodland Rotary, Year in Review.
25: Demotion, Saturday Evening, Yolo Fliers Club. Cocktails at 6 PM; Dinner at 7 PM; Demotion at 8 PM. Past President, Clyde Brooker and the usual suspects as cast members as we roast Outgoing President Kris Kristensen, and welcome New President, Gary Wegener.
28: Gary Wegener, President, 2016-2017: Rotary in the Coming Year. ( Now, I don't know for sure, but this could be the first time in our club's history that the new president's inaugural meeting occurs before the first Tuesday in July. Could be an indication that Pres. Gary is an eager beaver, or that he is going to shake things up. We'll see. Should be interesting. Let's have a strong attendance to show support for Pres. Gary as he starts our new Rotary Year).
July 2016
5: Dark (No Meeting, due to Demotion on Saturday, 25th, the switch by President Gary to avoid the July 4th holiday and just cuz!).
12: Sara Husby, Executive Director and Nate Lillge, Activities Director, Tuleyome, will disuss Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monumnet, Tuleyome activities, lectures and volunteer opportunities.
19: Sherrif Ed Prieto, Gun control.
26: Club Assembly-President Gary Wegener. Where do we want to go this year
August 2016 - Rotary Membership Month
2: Stacy Contreras, Bone marrow registry.
9: Tracy Fauver, Yolo CASA
16: Cass Sylvia, Yolo County Public Guardian
23: Sam Blanco, TRIO program UCD
30: Lieutenant Anthony Cucchi, WPD, Police observation devices
September 2016 - Rotary Basic Education and Literacy Month
6: Delaney Hunter, Sacramento lobbyist
13: Bryce Lundberg,water and farming in the Sacramento valley
20 Stephanie Gill, Yolo County CSI
27: Abigail Craig, Woodland Children’s Librarian, the focus is early literacy
October 2016 - Rotary Economic and Community Development Month
4: Don Sharp and Mahlon Whittle, Real Estate Roundup, insights on the
real estate market in Woodland
11: Kevin Sanchez, Yolo County Food Bank expansion project
18: Ron Caceres, Downtown Woodland update
25: Rotary District Governor (5160) Fred Collignon; official club visit (special Club Board meeting with DG at 10:30am) Read about Fred Collignon
November 2016 - Rotary Foundation Month
1: Gary Wegener, Club assembly Click here for pdf copy of presentation
8: Jane Louie, Rotary Foundation Annual giving and Endowment Fund
15: Karl Diekman, Rotary projects, a personal perspective
22: Gary Wegener, Club Assembly (followup from Nov 1 assembly).
29: Taro Echiburu, Yolo County Director of Community Services on Community Choice Energy.
December 2016 - Rotary Disease Prevention and Treatment Month
6: Christian Sherrill, DC, QME. Premier Chiropractice & Pilates. "Disease Prevention - 3 Keys to Health Wellness & Fitness".
13: Dennis Diemer, General Manager, Woodland Davis Clean Water Agency on the new surface water project serving our area. http://www.wdcwa.com/
20: Christmas program
27: Dark