Bench Project at the Fairgrounds
Retain 5 years (through July 2021)

Club Primary Contact/Grant Manager: Gary Wegener
Club Secondary Contact/Assistant Grant Manager: Tom Schwarzgruber
Assembly/workday coordinator: Dean Labadie
Project Total: $5000 (includes District Grant of $3335, received 28 July 2015).
Status: Grant approved, district funding $3,335 received; checking account being setup, Implementing Procedures adoped by Woodland Rotary Club (see below), bench assembly occurred March 12 and 13, 2016 and benches were formally turned over to the Fairgrounds May 10th, 2016. The bank account was closed out in May 2016 when the final $7.93 in the account was transferred to the Woodland Rotary Endowment Fund, a 501 (c) 3.
Grant Application
Club Qualification Memorandum of Understanding
Grant Approval, dated 23 July 2015 (note additional grant execution direction included here)
District and Global Grant Implementing Procedures for Woodland Rotary and Endowment
Endowment Board Resolution authorizing checking account/signatories.
Master budget, Revenues and Expenses
Receipts, requests for reimbursement
Club Contact List
Grant Correspondence, turnover/acceptance, press release on completion
Project Closeout Report to the District, with revenue/expense report and bank statements